

Ex Deo
Year Of The Four Emperors

Grave Digger
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Ereb Altor

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17.08.2013: Präsentieren "Tragic Illusion 25 (The Rarities)". (Paradise Lost)
Von ihrem erschütterndem 1990er Debüt Album "Lost Paradise", über ihren 1991er Klassiker Gothic, zum 1995er Meisterwerk "Draconian Times", vom elektronisch-angehauchten "One Second", über "In Requiem", mit dem sie zu ihrer härteren Seite zurückfanden, bis hin zu "Tragic Idol" aus dem letzten Jahr: Seit ihrer Gründung 1988, haben sich Paradise Lost immer weiter entwickelt und unzählige Künstler mit ihrer Musik inspiriert.
Um ihren Einfluss auf die Szene zu feiern, wird diesen Herbst eine besondere Compilation veröffentlicht, welche das 25-jährige Jubiläum der Band zelebrieren und in Erinnerung halten soll.

Das Album wird am 18. Oktober veröffentlicht und trägt den Namen Tragic Illusion 25 (The Rarities). Das Artwork stammt vom Pariser Designer Valnoir (www.metastazis.com), welcher schon mit Künstlern wie ORPHANED LAND, MORBID ANGEL, WATAIN und mehr als 150 anderen zusammengearbeitet hat. Alle Tracks auf der Compilation sind zuvor veröffentlichte Raritäten, außerdem neuen Track "Loneliness Remains" und den neu aufgenommenen "Gothic 2013" und "Our Savior 2013".

"Tragic Illusion 25 (The Rarities)" tracklist:

1. Loneliness Remains
2. Never Take Me Alive (SPEAR OF DESTINY cover version)
3. Ending Through Changes
4. The Last Fallen Saviour
5. Last Regret (Lost in Prague Orchestra Mix)
6. Faith Divides Us - Death Unites Us (Lost in Prague Orchestra Mix)
7. Cardinal Zero
8. Back On Disaster
9. Sons Of Perdition
10. Godless
11. Missing (EVERYTHING BUT THE GIRL cover version)
12. Silent In Heart
13. Gothic 2013
14. Our Saviour 2013

PARADISE LOST-Gitarrist Aaron Aedy äußerte sich folgendermaßen zu diesem Release:

"The years surrounding our formation in the 20th century would have earmarked this as a B-sides collection. These were the songs that were left over from an album recording session you couldn't fit on to the sound quality restrictive, optimal length of both sides of a vinyl LP. You then usually used these for the flip side of your single as a nice extra for fans and also perhaps, as an incentive for the collectors to purchase to help any important charting or sales which could facilitate radio airplay, the best and most important way for your band to heard at that time. Yes my friends, it's hard to imagine now, there was a time before the internet!
A time when even during the recording and writing of songs for our ‘Lost Paradise’ album, tape trading demos and live tracks on the underground scene via mail (the real physical post kind!) were essential to a band’s chance of being known by the people who would ‘get it’. The magazines Metal Hammer, Metal Forces and Kerrang! also had a couple of champions of the underground scene too, helping bands like ourselves be known on a wider scale, but rarer still indeed back then were the audio and visual outlets-- in the UK we had the legendary ‘Friday Rock Show with Tommy Vance’ who introduced myself and many others to a lot of the bands they went on to love for life. Later, TV shows The Powerhour, Raw Power and of course Headbangers Ball on MTV. All of course, pre-empted that Smörgåsbord of information, the internet, for the discerning and hungry-for-more Rock music fans to feast upon.

Twenty-five years has seen a lot of change, not just musically for the band-- take ‘Our Saviour’ and ‘Faith Divides Us, Death Unites Us’ for instance. The internet has broadened the choice of music we can readily hear enormously, and more importantly, hear and see for ourselves to form our own opinion-- not just what the larger commercial companies and stations want us to hear!

Added to our extra tracks from the past, we've included the recent re-recordings of ‘Gothic’ and ‘Our Saviour’. This is something as a musician you find a strange experience. We as a band have always been an album rather a single band, and re-recording old songs is most often best left alone-- but when we rehearsed ‘Our Saviour’, a song long lost from our live sets for a good twenty years, we found it pretty exciting and fun! We decided before hitting the studio that we would not record it as a perfect 21st century studio version, as I don't feel this song would benefit from it (in fact more so, lose its original charm), but we decided to just do it quick and almost demo speed. Whilst recording to capture the most raw element, we drafted in our old friend and producer Simon Efemey, who worked on our ‘Shades of God’, ‘Icon’ and ‘Draconian Times’ recordings to capture this, which whilst working to make it sound raw, made it fun too! Don't think of the re-recordings as replacements for our originals, but just as five blokes having fun and re-visiting the past in the studio. :)

I hope this collection helps some of the people who like our music have a more completed playlist of our most recent album sessions’ songs. I personally am very pleased that ‘The Last Fallen Saviour’ is here, as I would love to have had that on the ‘Tragic Idol’ album. Also ‘Cardinal Zero,’ which only just didn't make the cut for ‘Faith Divides Us…’ due to it having a very different vibe to the other album tracks. Both nonetheless, I feel are very strong songs and show a slightly different side to those writing periods.

CD and downloads not having a ‘flip side’ or ‘side B’ had almost made that term redundant, but for a resurgent vinyl hardcore that has thankfully kept that one alive, I'm pleased to say. I often reminisce those teen years of travelling home excited on the bus with a new LP, reading all the lyrics, enjoying the large enough cover to make artwork intricately delightful and worthwhile. Great heart-warming memories for me indeed. Yet, the music new and old I’m discovering on the internet these days in the 21st century is an absolute joy! I'm pleased to have had both experiences during my years with PARADISE LOST and the future holds who knows what. I for one am very excited though to see where we go next!

Here's wishing everyone all the best from PARADISE LOST and most importantly, thank you very much from us all for your amazing support, which humbles us greatly.

Twenty-five years and counting!”

--Aaron Aedy (PARADISE LOST)"

Paradise Lost im Internet
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