

Ex Deo
Year Of The Four Emperors

Grave Digger
Bone Collector


Ereb Altor

Ereb Altor
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07.10.2013: Drehen Kurzfilm Queensrÿche: Ad Lucem. (Queensryche)
Queensryche haben im letzten Monat, zusammen mit Regisseur Daniel Andres Gomez Bagby und Produzent Marco De Molina, einen Kurzfilm zu den Songs "Spore", „Midnight Lullaby“ und „A World Without“ gedreht. Die drei Stücke untermalen den mehr als zehnminütigen Film mit dem Titel "Queensryche: Ad Lucem". Die Dreharbeiten fanden bei den "Central City Stages" in Los Angeles statt. Sänger Todd La Torre gab dazu folgendes Statement ab:

"We decided to take a different approach with this video, which is comprised of three pieces of music from our latest self-titled release, Queensrÿche. It’s a conceptual mini-movie music video that invites the audience to scratch beneath the surface a bit, rather than the usual "chewed food" that so many are used to being fed. We really wanted to deviate from a performance type of video so the music and story-line could be the main focus.
The overall theme of the song Spore is one that deals with personal demons, relationship struggles, career pressures, personal/professional morals and ethical dilemmas. These are issues we all face on some level and the video touches upon them all. Midnight Lullaby/A World Without deals with the loss of a mother during childbirth, leaving a father as a single parent and struggling to move forward through the turmoil. The end result is a roller coaster of emotion in an effort to find a healthy resolve. Given our history, we feel that this multifaceted conceptual video, along with a great cast of actors to suit, will really resonate with our fans."

Queensryche Line-Up:

Todd La Torre (vocals)
Michael Wilton (guitars)
Parker Lundgren (guitars)
Eddie Jackson (bass)
Scott Rockenfield (drums).
Queensryche im Internet
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