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29.01.2015: Die offizielle Biografie im schmucken Hardcover. (Behemoth)
Nach der Autobiografie von Frontman Nergal erscheint nun die offizielle Behemoth Biografie: "BEHEMOTH: DEVILS CONQUISTADORS". VÖ ist am 24. Februar 2015 englischsprachig via Metal Blade. 490 Seiten im fetten Hardcover erzählen die komplette Bandhistory und die ihrer Musiker. Mit dabei massenhaft Zitate ehemalige und aktueller Bandmitglieder und Wegbegleiter der Band.
From the foreword by Krzysztof Azarewicz: "“If, as a cultural anthropologist, I were to point to a single cosmic force which Behemoth’s music expresses, I would name it not Satan but Dionysus. A deity that represents not only the intoxicating influence of cosmic energies and earthly benefits, but also their benevolent healing properties. A deity of strength and pride. A deity of creative might.”" Nergal discusses the acquisition of his first electric guitar: "“The first communion was a very important moment for me. I know this sounds ridiculous, but it’s true. Of course, not as a religion experience – I didn’t understand anything and couldn’t care less. Same as all the other kids. We all stood there with our votive candles and waited for one thing. Cash. The first communion must be one moment when you get the most money you’re ever going to get as a child. And for this money, I bought myself my first electric guitar. Not a bike, no Legos – a guitar.”" Behemoth im Internet
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