

Birth Of Malice

Ginger Evil
The Way It Burns

Ex Deo
Year Of The Four Emperors

Grave Digger
Bone Collector

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11 Konzerte/Festivals
12.11.2004: Reunion die x-te (Candlemass)
Die schwedische Doom Metal-Legende Candlemass ist wieder zurück. Nachdem die Jungs sich eigentlich im Mai endgültig aufgelöst hatten, haben sie sich nun doch wieder zusammengerauft und werden am 26. November in die Polar Studios in Stockholm gehen, um ein neues Album einzuspielen.

Bassist Leif Edling gab folgendes Statement zur Reunion ab:

"I had a bunch of pretty cool songs, talked to Mappe [Mats "Mappe" Björkman, Gitarre) quite a lot during the summer and we both agreed it would be stupid not to do anything with it. At Mappe's wedding in August we all went up on a small stage and performed "Samarithan" and "Solitude" with pink guitars plus a really shitty sound. We were all absolutely drunk and we had suits and everything on us, but it was great fun!! I think it was that occasion that made us reconsider.

Shortly after, I started to roughly demo some new tracks. I think I like did five tracks in a couple of weeks with a friend helping out. Then we had a meeting and decided to resurrect Candlemass, book the studio, and send out a three-song demo to the record companies a.s.a.p. So we recorded "Black Dwarf" and "Spellbreaker" and put "Witches" from the previous demo on it and I think the demo is on the way to the labels right now actually.

Yes, we have two weeks in Polar booked without a deal, ha-ha!! But I'm not worried. I'm sure some smart label guy realize that a new Candlemass album can outsell most of the usual crap that is released today. We are a unique band with a unique sound and next summer will belong to Candlemass!!"

(Quelle: Blabbermouth)
Candlemass im Internet
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