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20.04.2005: Zurück zu Nuclear Blast! (Amorphis)
AMORPHIs kehren heim zu Nuclear Blast. Anbei das Originalstatement von Gitarrist Esa Hopainen:

"Last year was quite difficult for Amorphis, we went through (another)
line-up change as we decided that it's better if mr. Koskinen leaves the
band. We had problems with trying to promote our Far From The Sun album as
we were working with partners who rather enjoyed nice cappucinos than would
actually work.

Anyway, finding a new vocalist was tough, it was more difficult than we
actually would have imagined. We received about 150 demos from people all
around, some of them were really good some not. At that time we noticed
that it's impossible mission to find a singer who's sound would mach
Amorphis and besides of that would give 100% for the band. We actually
thought about doing instrumental album when one of mr. Koivusaari's friend
told about their singer Tomi who is really talented and would mach
Amorphis. We listened his demo and his sound was exactly what we were
looking for. Koivusaari called him up and he was really interested trying
to rehearse with Amorphis. The day he came over we were all proved that
Tomi Joutsen is next Amorphis singer, we went through Against Widows, Alone
and few other songs including Sign From The North Side which is from our
debut album. This is the song we also do live again.

Beside changing vocalist we changed management and sat down think about how
to continue from here. We allready composed songs for forthcoming album and
started to work with vocals. We thought about different options and all
agreed that it's better if we stuck with basics and go back to were we once
started. We have been really good friends with Nuclear Blast dudes for over
ten years and I remember talking with Markus at Summer Breeze festival over
a year ago and he told that we should come back to Nuke Blast. During the
past years we have became really cynic with labels most of because 95% of
all talk is bullshit and they give you promises that they can't keep, We
knew that we could allways call up Nuke guys with whatever matter and we
knew how they work + which is the most important thing that these guys are
true fans of the music what they put out. I quess the honesty for the music
what you realease pays you back which has been the case for the Nuclear
Blast success. So, we are now ofiicially signed back to Nuclear Blast and I
have to say that it feels really good and reliefed.

And for the people who wonder how Amorphis sounds today, it's EPIC, HEAVY
and MELODIC with a mixture of GROWLING VOCALS!!!

Shine on,
-Esa & Amorphis-"
Amorphis im Internet
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