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29.02.2016: Video zum großartigen "The Four Wise Ones". (Amorphis)
Kurz vor ihrer Headlinertour zu "Under The Red Cloud" posten Amorphis einen Videoclip zum Übersong "The Four Wise Ones".
Esa Holopainen zum Video und zur Tour: "Splendid! The "Under The Red Cloud" tour hits Europe. Good guess, Finnish savages AMORPHIS are playing glorious shows across beautiful Europe between March 4th - April 17th. Looking forward for these dates as we got such good feedback from the shows that we did supporting NIGHTWISH. Check out our latest video from 'The Four Wise Ones' on Prog's website. It's filmed in Amsterdam during the tour with NIGHTWISH and ARCH ENEMY at the end of 2015." §Under The Red Cloud« - Europe 2016§ w/ POEM 04.03. D Hannover - Capitol 05.03. DK Copenhagen - Amager Bio w/ OMNIUM GATHERUM, POEM 06.03. S Stockholm - Debaster Strand 08.03. S Gothenburg - Sticky Fingers 09.03. N Oslo - Vulkan Arena 10.03. N Drammen - Union Scene 11.03. N Bergen - USF 12.03. N Haugesund - Byscenen 14.03. DK Aarhus - Voxhall 15.03. D Hamburg - Gruenspan (no OMNIUM GATHERUM) 17.03. NL Tilburg - O13 w/ TEXTURES, POEM 18.03. UK Bristol - Fleece 19.03. UK Manchester - Sound Control 20.03. IRL Dublin - Button Factory 22.03. UK Wolverhampton - Slade Rooms 23.03. UK London - o2 Academy Islington 24.03. UK Glasgow - Cathouse 25.03. UK Nottingham - Rescue Rooms 26.03. F Paris - Le Petit Bain (without TEXTURES) 27.03. LUX Esch Sur Alzette - Kulturfabrik 29.03. I Florence - Viper Club 30.03. I Rome - Orion 31.03. SLO Nova Gorice - Mostnova 01.04. SRB Novi Sad - The Quartier 02.04. BG Sofia - Mixtape 5 Club 03.04. RO Bucharest - Arenele Romane 05.04. H Budapest - Barba Negra Club 06.04. PL Wroclaw - Alibi 07.04. A Vienna - Szene 08.04. D Munich - Backstage 09.04. D Geiselwind - Music Hall 10.04. I Milan - Fabrique 12.04. D Frankfurt - Batschkapp 13.04. D Berlin - PBHF Club 14.04. D Ludwigsburg - Rockfabrik 15.04. CH Pratteln - Z7 (without TEXTURES) 16.04. B Antwerp - Trix 17.04. D Bochum - Matrix Festivals: 05.06. CZ Pilsen - Metalfest Open Air 10.06. FIN Tampere - South Park-Festival 24.06. FIN Nummijarvi - Nummirock 07.07. FIN Helsinki - Monsters Of Rock 08.07. IS Fjardabyggd - Eistnaflug Festival 14.07. D Neukirchen-Vluyn - Dong Open Air 15.07. S Gävle - Gefle Metal Festival 17.07. FIN Joensuu - Ilosaarirock 22.07. FIN Laukaa - John Smith Festival 12.08. FIN Runni - RunniRock Amorphis im Internet
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