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10.11.2014: 2015 Europa-dates mit Five Finger Death Punch. (Judas Priest)
Also gehn sie doch wieder auf Tour. Judas Priest haben für Juni 2014 eine kleine Europa-Tour mit Five Finger Death Punch bestätigt.
"All of us grew up big JUDAS PRIEST fans so it was amazing to work with Rob on 'Lift Me Up'," sagte FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH Gitarrist Zoltan Bathory. "Not only is he a true rock icon but one of the greatest guys you'll ever meet. "To come back to Europe with JUDAS PRIEST next year is taking it over the top and a dream come true. "We've had a fantastic year in Europe and can't wait to get back again next summer."
Anbei die dates:
June 04 - Helsinki, Finland @ Icehall
June 08 - Hamburg, Germany @ Sporthalle
June 09 - Berlin, Germany @ Arena Treptow
June 16 - Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg @ Rockhal
June 17 - Paris, France @ Le Zenith
June 21 - Hinwil, Switzerland @ Rock The Ring
June 25 - Ostrava, Czech Republic @ CEZ Arena
June 26 - Prague, Czech Republic @ O2 Arena
June 27 - Lodz, Poland @ Arena
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