

The End Will Show Us How

Manic Street Preachers
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Iron Will

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01.12.2009: Statement zum neuen Burner (Kataklysm)
Katalysm arbeiten gerade hart am Nachfolgealbum zu "Prevail".

Gitarrist J-f Dagenais hat folgendes Update veröffentlicht:

"I' m really excited to be deep into the writting process for the new Katalysm album, the band is more focused then ever: This album will be different then "Prevail", but will still have the classic Katalysm trademarks and hooks. You will see a much more intricate record then we`ve done in the past. It will contian some really fast and dynamic parts, but we will also aim on a very melodic driven record and it will contain lots of technical parts as well that we haven`t explored much lately. And no worries, the bone crushing grooves are always a must with Katalysm and will be present. I`ve also seen Maurizio's lyrics for this album so far and let me tell you that they hit really hard. I know it`s a very personal album to him as he is going through some tough times in his personal life. So I`m not worried on what he will bring to this record, so expect a very real, aggressive and determined Katalysm album! We know we have set the bar high for ourselves, but we are confident to deliver the goods once again. On the production end I will handle the recording as usual, but for the mix we have decided to enlist Tue Madsen from Denmark. We feel he captured best the band`s sound on "In the arms of devastation". We feel it`s a winning team and we`re gonna make sure you have the best sounding record to date."

Sänger Maurizio Iacono wird an Weihnachten auf den Facebook / Twitter / Myspace-Seiten der Band den Albumtitel rauslassen. Erscheinen soll das Teil im Spätsommer oder Herbst 2010. Quelle: Nuclear Blast
Kataklysm im Internet
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