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30.05.2016: Tourdates mit Accept als "special guest"! (Sabaton)
Sabaton werden am 19. August bekanntlich ihr neues Studioalbum "The Last Stand" rausknallen. Dazu gibt es auch jetzt schon die Tourdates für 2017. Es soll die bisher größte Tour von Sabaton werden und als "special guest" wurde niemand geringerer als Accept präsentiert!
Pär Sundström: „We have just finished our new album, which is titled THE LAST STAND and we know we have done a great album, which all fans of SABATON can appreciate for many years. If it is the best album of us, time will tell… But what we can tell for sure is that THE LAST TOUR will be the biggest and best tour of SABATON ever. It is the tour we have been looking forward to do for all these years!“ ACCEPT-Gitarisst Wolf Hoffmann: „Accepting a tour with SABATON is the result of a very cool relationship we have with the band. It was a great pleasure to tour with them in USA and we followed their career with respect over the years. We have not seen a band who has such a clear vision where they want to go and it is rare that bands can translate their visions into real action. SABATON are a hard working band and are a serious role model for aspiring musicians and young bands. We are looking forward to have an exciting tour – especially after we have been in the studio for a while and sure feel some kind of cabin fever…“ Tourdates: 07.01.2017 DE – Oberhausen, Konig Pilsener Arena 08.01.2017 BE – Antwerp, Lotto Arena 10.01.2017 IE – Dublin, Vicar Street 11.01.2017 UK – Glasgow, o2 Academy 13.01.2017 UK – Manchester, o2 Apollo 14.01.2017 UK – London, o2 Brixton Academy 28.01.2017 DE – Ludwigsburg, MHP Arena 29.01.2017 NL – Amsterdam, Heineken Music Hall 31.01.2017 DE – Frankfurt, Jahrhunderthalle 01.02.2017 DE – Saarbrucken, Saarlandhalle 04.02.2017 DE – Bamberg, Brose Arena 05.02.2017 DE – Munich, Zenith 15.03.2017 DE – Berlin, Columbiahalle Sabaton im Internet
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