

Ex Deo
Year Of The Four Emperors

Grave Digger
Bone Collector


Ereb Altor

Ereb Altor
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15.02.2004: entern im Herbst das Studio (Sentenced)
Die Band wird während ihrer Auftritte im Sommer einiges neues Material zum Besten geben und schreibt derzeit an neuen Liedern. Derzeit läuft das Rehearsing in einem kleinen Studio.
Im Herbst werden SENTENCED das Studio entern, um dort die Aufnahmen für ihr nächstes Studiowerk zu beginnen. Vor Anfang 2005 wird jedoch keine neue Platte das Licht der Welt erblicken. Für die Aufnahmen wollen sich die Finnen dieses Mal ungefähr 2 Monate Zeit lassen.

"We will throw in some brand-new stuff during our show this summer, because we don't want to play a 'best of SENTENCED' kind of set this time around. That would be too boring," meint Drummer Vesa Ranta.
"We haven't worked on too many new songs yet as a band, but I know that Miika Tenkula, guitarist, Sami Lopakka, guitarist and Ville Laihiala, singer have written lots of new material on their own. We are now rehearsing at a small studio and it's a very good place to build new songs.
"We are going to enter the studio next autumn, so I guess that the new album will arrive in the beginning of the next year. But it's up to record company of course...
"I guess it will take about two months to record the new album... It's a lot longer than it used to take during the old days when we used to record albums in a week... For example, it only took ten days to make 1993's 'North From Here'"
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