

Ex Deo
Year Of The Four Emperors

Grave Digger
Bone Collector


Ereb Altor

Ereb Altor
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09.04.2014: Europa-Tourdates mit Gig in Dornbirn. (Machine Head)
Machine Head verkünden die ersten Europa-Tourdates für 2014.

Die 15 Shows umfassende "Killers & Kings Tour" wird als Vorgeschmack auf das kommende Album sowie weitere Dates im November/Dezember dienen. Vor allen Dingen jedoch werden Machine Head zahlreiche Städte bespielen, in denen sie seit über eine Dekade nicht mehr headlineten, in manchen Fällen niemals headlineten oder sogar noch nie aufgetreten sind.

Robb Flynn kommentiert:
"In keeping with the intimate club tour-vibe we are doing in the USA this summer, for our first time ever, we decided to blow off 90% of all Euro summer festivals, and hit the nooks and crannies of the UK and Europe as well. We will be doing no major cities in any territories throughout Europe and the UK for this first leg of 2014.
No London, no Berlin, etc, and instead focusing on the die-hard MACHINE HEAD fans that who don't often get the chance to see us because the travel is too far or too costly to get the big cities.

I remember when we were out with METALLICA doing festivals a few years ago, we played in a small out-of-the-way city in Denmark called Aarhus, we'd never played there let alone, ever even heard of the fucking place. We were all a bit grumbly before the show, and you know what? It ended up being one of the funnest shows we've ever done. Doing shows like this, it creates an energy, it creates a bond, something unbreakable, and it is really fucking fun. It's MACHINE HEAD without all the big production, the bells and whistles, stripped down and raw.

What will be really cool is that in the UK, we've never done a club tour, it happened so fast for us there that other than a handful of epically insane, wildly drunken Ten Ton Hammer club shows, we've only played bigger halls, so we are really looking forward to giving our fans something special there. Plus, we've been hearing from our Scottish fans for decades that we need to get to Edinburgh!!! So finally, 21 years into our existence, we're coming, and we're ready to fucking plunder Scotland!!!!"

Tue 29-Jul UK, Nottingham, Rescue Rooms
Thu 31-Jul UK, Edinburgh, Liquid Rooms
Sat 2-Aug UK, Leeds, Stylus
Sun 3-Aug UK, Norwich, Waterfront
Mon 4-Aug UK, Brighton Concorde II
Wed 6-Aug Netherlands, Zwolle, Hedon
Thu 7-Aug Belgium, Antwerp, Trix
Fri 8-Aug Luxembourg - Den Atelier
Sat 9-Aug Switzerland, Winterthur, Salzhaus
Mon 11-Aug Austria, Dombin, Conrad Sohm Tickets gibt es beiOE Tickets
Tue 12-Aug Czech, Prague, Roxy
Wed 13-Aug Poland, Warsaw, Palladium
Fri 15-Aug Germany, Dinkelsbühl, Summerbreeze
Sat 16-Aug Germany, Hamburg, Elbriot
Sun 17-Aug Germany, Herford, X Festival
Tue 19-Aug Denmark, Aarhus, Train
Thu 21-Aug Norway, Stavanger, Folken
Fri 22-Aug Sweden, Gothenburg, Tradgarn

Diesen Sommer hat Nuclear Blast Entertainment die Ehre, das nächste Machine Head-Album, das Labeldebüt der Band, veröffentlichen zu dürfen. In jener Erwartung sowie anlässlich des diesjährigen Record Store Day (19. April, 2014), freuen wir uns, ein limitiertes 10“ Vinyl mit einer Demo-Version eines brandneuen Tracks namens "Killers & Kings" zu veröffentlichen. Nach einer Durststrecke von über drei Jahren, in denen Fans keinerlei neue Musik von MH hören konnten, kommt "Killers & Kings" gerade richtig und überzeugt auf ganze Linie.

Robb Flynn:
"I remember growing up in the thrash scene and always wanting to hear the demo version of songs. You searched them out. Thankfully my buddy Jim was a big ‘tape trader,’ and through trading we had both METALLICA demos, EXODUS demos, bootlegs of songs sometimes ‘years’ before they came out. I knew how to play every note of "Pleasure Of The Flesh" by EXODUS, easily 2 years before the record was out! My friends and I would debate the merits of each, but we all agreed, It was so much cooler to hear it BEFORE the album is out! So we're gonna do that for you. I can't wait for you guys to hear this stuff."

Diese limitierte 10“ wird mit vier verschiedenen Covers sowie in zwei spezifischen Farben erscheinen – limitiert auf jeweils 1.000 Exemplare.
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