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30.05.2013: Stellen den "Brother" Clip vor. (Orphaned Land)
Israels bekannteste Metal Band ORPHANED LAND präsentiert das brandneue und sehr atmosphärische Video zu der neuen Single "Brother". Der Song ist eine Ballade, welche die Geschichte des ewigen Disputs zwischen den Anhängern der verschiedenen Religionen wiederspiegelt, welchen der Sänger Kobi Farhi, weiter unten im Detail erläutert. Die Single wird ab dem 10. Juni digital erhältlich sein und auch auf dem neuen Album "All Is One" welches am 21. Juni auf den Markt kommt, zu hören sein.
"All Is One" Tracklist: 01. All Is One 02. The Simple Man 03. Brother 04. Let The Truce Be Known 05. Through Fire And Water 06. Fail 07. Freedom 08. Shama'im 09. Ya Benaye 10. Our Own Messiah 11. Children Die Lyrics zu "Brother" sind in der Beschreibung des Clips hinterlegt und eine ausführliche Erklärung von Kobi Farhi zum Hintergrund des Songs gibt es hier: "This is a song that Itshak is singing to his brother Ishmael. According to the bible, they were both the sons of Abraham from two different mothers. Today, Itshak is known as the father of the Israeli nation while Ishmael known as the father of the Arab nation. Historically, that means of course that it's a historical fact that Israelis and Arabs are brothers and we believe that the deepest source for our actual conflict still lies there, between the two brothers. Both sides today are so focused on being right in the conflict and fill themselves with hate. Every side is so busy with being the victim and today it doesn't make sense to either one of the side that we are historically brothers. People forgot it, forgot that our language are alike, as well as our names and history. An interesting is that on the Jewish bible there is a story where Abraham took Itshak to the mountain to sacrifice him to God. Muslims have the same exact story, but on their version it was Ishmael on the mountain, everyone shape history according to his own version and we have conflicts even on that oldest stories, just as if we were two kids in a fight. And therefore there is a line in the song says: "The lord blessed us both, but we still fight and claim, that kid on the mountain - what was his name" Brother is a love song for a forgotten beloved brother who turned to be a blood enemy. And before people will go and start with politic comments, that has nothing to do with politics or being left or right wing, Jew, Muslim or anything else. We are not taking any sides as musicians, we just tell a story, and we decided to be the first grown up brother in this story and ask: "Forgive me, brother". Mainly because being mature and grown up sometime means that you can say you’re sorry, even if it's not only your fault. We dedicate this song with much love, hope and belief to our Israeli & Arabs beloved brothers." ORPHANED LAND Live 2013: 13.04. PPM Festival - Lotto Mons Expo / Be 29.05. Teatro Odisseia - Rio de Janeiro / Br 30.05. Hangar 110 - Sao Paulo / Br 01.06. Roca 'n' Roll festival - Varginha / Br 07.06. C.C.Niza - Lima / Per 08.06. Teatro Alianza Francesa - Medellin / Co 09.06. TBA - Bogota / Co 09.08. Brutal Assault Festival / Cze 10.08. Artmania Festival - Sibu / Ro 16.08. Summer Breeze Festival - / Ger ORPHANED LAND – All Is One Europe-Tour 2013: 20.09. Colmar - Le Grillen / Fr 21.09. Lille - Le Splendid / Fr 22.09. Tongeren - Sodom Klub / Be 24.09. Aschaffenburg - Colossal / Ger 25.09. Bochum - Matrix / Ger 26.09. Hamburg - Rock N Roll Warehouse / Ger 27.09. Kobenhavn - Amager Bio Uniting The Powers Of Metal / Dk 28.09. Gera - Sachsischer Bahnof / Ger 29.09. Nuernberg - Hirsch / Ger 01.10. Praha - Exit us / Cz 02.10. Warsaw - Proxima club / Pl 03.10. Krakow – Lizard King club / Pl 04.10. Budapest - Club 202 / Hg 05.10. Vienna - Reigen Club / At 06.10. Bratislava - Randal Club / Sk 11.10. Sofia - Mix Tape 5 / Bg 12.10. Tessaloniki - Eight Ball Club / Gr 13.10. Athen - Kyttaro Live / Gr 15.10. Ankara - Jolly Joker Balans / Tk 16.10. Istanbul - Kucukciftkik Park / Tk 18.10. Belgrad - Dom Omladine / Srb 19.10. Zagreb - TBA / Ct 20.10. Maribor - Mc Pekarna Klub / Slov 23.10. Milan - Rock N Roll Arena / It 24.10. Prateln - Z7 / Ch 26.10. Lyon - o Totem Rillieux Mjc / Fr 27.10. Toulon - Le Vox / Fr 28.10. Toulouse - Connexion Live / Fr 29.10. Bilbao - Rock Star / Sp 31.10. Porto - Hard Club / Pt 01.11. Lisbon - Music Box / Pt 02.11. Madrid - Ramdall / Sp 03.11. Barcelona - Apolo 2 / Sp 04.11. Montpellier - L'antirouille / Fr 06.11. Nantes - Le Ferrailleur / Fr 07.11. Paris - Divan Du Monde / Fr 08.11. Zoetermeer - Boerderij / Nl 09.11. Apeldoorn - Gigant / Nl 11.11. Norwich - Waterfront / UK 12.11. Bilston - Robin 2 / UK 13.11. London - The Garage / UK 14.11. Manchester - Sound Control / UK 15.11. Dublin - The Pint / IRE Orphaned Land im Internet
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