

Ginger Evil
The Way It Burns

Ex Deo
Year Of The Four Emperors

Grave Digger
Bone Collector


Ereb Altor
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11.11.2011: Alle Infos zu "Memories Of A Time To Come". (Blind Guardian)
Nuclear Blast Records werden am 20. Jänner 2012 die Blind Guardian Compilation "Memories Of A Time To Come" veröffentlichen. Die, abermals in großartiges Artwork gehüllte, Collection von 1987 bis 2011 kommt im edlen Digipack und enthält in der Deluxe Limited Edition auch das legendäre "Lucifer's Heritage"-Demo!

"Finally, after all these years, we have found the time to gather our most worthy songs into a best of compilation, representative of our career's first 25 years.
From the very beginning it was important for us to undertake this project only if we could put the necessary time and attention to detail into it. With overwhelming nostalgia we have looked back on 25 years and came up with 'Memories Of A Time To Come', an organic mixture of some of our greatest songs.
This album contains some very pleasant surprises for the die-hard BLIND GUARDIAN fan and delivers a perfect image of our musical spirit to those who are not, or just loosely, familiar with the band. 'Memories Of A Time To Come' precisely defines our progression and the long-standing dedication to our music. We are proud to present an album that will take the listener on a musical voyage. This year's Christmas will be in January!

CD 1:

01. Imaginations From The Other Side (7:11) "
02. Nightfall (5:34) "

03. Ride Into Obsession (4:46) "
04. Somewhere Far Beyond (7:32) "

05. Majesty (7:29) "
06. Traveler In Time (6:01) "

07. Follow The Blind (7:11) "
08. The Last Candle (6:03) "

CD 2:

01. Sacred Worlds (9:17)
02. This Will Never End (5:07) "
03. Valhalla (5:13) "
04. Bright Eyes (5:15) "

05. Mirror Mirror (5:09) "
06. The Bard's Song (In The Forest) (3:26) "

07. The Bard's Song (The Hobbit) (3:41) *"
08. And Then There Was Silence (14:06) "

CD 3: (only available with the deluxe limited edition)

01. Brian "
02. Halloween (The Wizard's Crown) "
03. Lucifer's Heritage "
04. Symphonies Of Doom "
05. Dead Of The Night "
06. Majesty
07. Trial By The Archon
08. Battalions Of Fear
09. Run For The Night
10. Lost In The Twilight Hall
11. Tommyknockers
12. Ashes To Ashes
13. Time What Is Time
14. A Past And Future Secret
15. The Script For My Requiem

Remixed 2011
*" Re-recorded 2011
** Reworked 2011
Blind Guardian im Internet
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Ginger Evil - The Way It BurnsEx Deo - Year Of The Four EmperorsGrave Digger - Bone CollectorEreb Altor - HälsingemörkerSacramentum - The Coming of ChaosDirkschneider - Balls To The Wall ReloadedCrazy Lixx - Thrill Of The BiteHelloween - Live At BudokanMörk Gryning - Forsonas TidLabyrinth - In The Vanish Echoes Of Goodbye
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