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Bereits Ende der Siebziger ließen “New York's Finest“ die beiden saftigen Bröckchen "Rock City" ('77) bzw. "Narita" ('79) auf die Menschheit los, welche noch stark vom Rock der klassischen Schule geprägt waren. Jedoch dann, 1981, wird der berüchtigte Knüppel aus dem Sack geholt: "Fire Down Under" bläst bis dato so ziemlich alles - vielleicht mit Ausnahme von Venom oder Angelwitch - sich im Hartwurstsektor befindliche an die Wand - die dazumal ihrem Höhepunkt zugipfelnde NWoBHM bekommt mächtig Konkurrenz aus "Neu-England".
Die Symbiose aus Mark Reale's unverkennbaren Gitarrenharmonien und den charmanten Vocals von Guy Speranza traf derart ins Schwarze, dass spätestens ab jetzt klar war, dass Riot US Metal Geschichte schreiben würden. Ob nun in Form von "Swords And Tequilla" - die Bandhymne mitsamt ihrem prägnanten Refrain oder die beiden voran peitschenden Uptempo Rocker "Outlaw" und "Don't Hold Back" ... dies und mehr hat nach über 20 Jahren nichts an Klasse eingebüßt und bereitet Genreliebhabern wie meiner Wenigkeit einen Ohrenschmaus nach dem anderen. Parallelen zu Judas Priest, Iron Maiden oder Def Leppard sind zwar erkennbar, trotzdem hatten Riot hier bereits ein Maß an Eigenständigkeit und vor allem Dosen an Energien, wovon viele nur träumen durften. Wenn man zufällig in diversen Magazinen über die Meinung "Fire Down Under" sei das erste offizielle Power/Speedmetal Album oder zumindest sowas wie ein Vorläufer" stolpert, ist dies gewiss nicht zu weit hergeholt, sofern man sich selbst mal den Titletrack oder "No Lies" sorgfältig reingepfiffen bzw. davon überzeugt hat. Hinzu kommt noch die für damalige Verhältnisse fette Produktion, welche sich hinter dem Birch'schen "Killers" Sound (selber Jahrgang) von Iron Maiden nicht zu verstecken braucht. Leider verließ Goldkehlchen Speranza nach Veröffentlichung dieser Götterspeise die Kapelle, die miese Vermarktung eines natürlich "viel zu unkommerziellen" Albums und die daraus resultierenden schwachen Absatzzahlen waren wohl Hauptgründe seiner Entscheidung. Zwar brachten die Jungs mit Rhett Forrester, einer eher Blue sorientierten Stimme noch zwei recht ordentliche LPs ins Trockene, aber musikalisch konnte man hier nicht mehr an alte Glanztaten anknüpfen, die Folge: Riot lösen sich 1983 auf. Zur Überraschung aller verkündet Bandkopf Reale 1987 die Wiederauferstehung mit komplett ungekrempelter Mannschaft und die energiegeladene "Thundersteel" Scheibe (Release 1988) - sicher neben "Fire Down Under" die stärkste in der fast dreißigjährigen Bandhistory. ----------------------------------------------------- DIE EWIGEN TOP 200 TOP-30-1984-2024 CLASSIC-REVIEWS REVIEW-OVERVIEW-2003-2009 REVIEW-OVERVIEW-2010-2020 REVIEW-OVERVIEW-2021-2024 _____________________________________________________________ 2024 Top 30: Deicide - "Banished By Sin" Borknagar - "Fall" Lucifer - "V" Perchta - "D'Muata" Accuser - "Rebirthless" Cave - "Out Of The Cave" Slechtvalk - "At Death's Gate" The Crown - "Crown Of Thorns" Caligula's Horse - "Charcoal Grace" Witherfall - "Sounds Of The Forgotten" Atrophy - "Asylum" Ivory Tower - "Heavy Rain" Shumaun - "Opposing Mirrors" Mega Colossus - "Showdown" Devin Townsend - "PowerNerd" Innerwish - "Ash Of Eternal Flame" Whom Gods Destroy - "Insanium" Cemetary Skyline - "Nordic Gothic" Rendezvous Point - "Dream Chaser" Starchaser - "Into The Great Unknown" Sabire - "Jätt" Thola - "Unseen" Rage - "Afterlifelines" Suidakra - "Darkanakrad" Messiah - "Christus Hypercubus" Saxon - "Blood, Fire & Damnation" Judas Priest - "Invincible Shield" Nasty Savage - "Jeopardy Room" Bruce Dickinson - "The Mandrake Project" Flotsam And Jetsam - "I Am The Weapon" Top Songs: Deicide - "Faithless" Sahg - "More Of Nothing" Jerry Cantrell - "Vilified" Slechtvalk - "The Destroyer" Borknagar - "Nordic Anthem" Arch Enemy - "Dream Stealer" Witherfall - "Ceremony Of Fire" Rendezvous Point - "Presence" Lucifer - "A Coffin Has No Silverlining" Bruce Dickinson - "The Afterglow Of Ragnarok" Außer Konkurrenz: Cognizance - "Phantazein" Nile - "The Underworld Awaits Us All" Limbonic Art - "Opus Deamoniacal" Opeth - "The Last Will And Testament" Blood Incantation - "Absolute Elsewhere" Bonusgranaten: Cavalera - "Schizophrenia" Artillery - "Live Raw (At Copenhell)" Insanity Alert - "Moshemian Thrashody" Metal Church - "The Final Sermon (Live In Japan 2019)" Exodus - "British Disaster: The Battle '89 (Live at the Astoria)" Superbe Spätentdeckungen aus 2023: Soen - "Memorial" Tryglav - "The Ritual" Lynch Mob - "Babylon" DHG - "Black Medium Current" Wings Of Steel - "Gates Of Twilight" Noveria - "The Gates Of The Underworld" Advent Horizon - "A Cell To Call Home" Dying Fetus - "Make Them Beg For Death" Hellripper - "Warlocks Grim & Withered Hags" Arjen Lucassen's Supersonic Revolution - "Golden Age Of Music" 2023 TOP 30: ~ Jelusick - "Follow The Blind Man" Enforced - "War Remains" Asphagor - "Pyrogenesis" Thron - "Dust" Mystery - "Redemption" Anthem - "Crimson & Jet Black" Sarayasign - "The Lion's Road" Redemption - "I Am The Storm" KK's Priest - "The Sinner Rides Again" Sulphur Aeon - "Seven Crowns And Seven Seals" ~ Tsjuder - "Helvegr" Asinhell - "Impii Hora" Emolecule - "The Architect" Cloak - "Black Flame Eternal" Uriah Heep - "Chaos & Colour" Wytch Hazel - "IV: Sacrament" Sorcerer - "Reign Of The Reaper" Withering Scorn - "Prophets Of Demise" Stargazer - "Life Will Never Be The Same" Legion Of The Damned - "The Poison Chalice" ~ Ray Alder - "II" Soen - "Memorial" Overkill - "Scorched" Air Raid - "Fatal Encounter" Prong - "State Of Emergancy" Hatesphere - "Hatred Reborn" Fifth Angel - "When Angels Kill" Grave Pleasures - "Plagueboys" Blackscape - "Suffocated By The Sun" Metal Church - "Congregation Of Annihilation" ~ Willkommene Comebackalben: ~ Vomitory - "All Heads Are Gonna Roll" Keep Of Kallesin - "Katharsis" Scar Symmetry - "Xenotaph" Winger - "Seven" Extreme - "VI" ~ Absolut überzeugendes Debüt: ~ Thriller - "Street Metal" ~ Bonusbomben: ~ Jacobs Moor - "Pandemia" EP Red Cain - "Näe'Bliss" ______________ 2022 Top 30 ~ A–Z - "A – Z" Civil War - "Invaders" Michael Romeo - "The War Of The Worlds Pt. 2" Disillusion - "Ayam" Soilwork - "Övergivenheten" Psycroptic - "Divine Council" Deströyer 666 - "Never Surrender" Queensryche - "Digital Noise Alliance" Megadeth - "The Sick, The Dying… The Dead!" Ellefson & Soto - "Vacation In The Underworld" After All - "Eos" Amorphis - "Halo" Sahg - "Born Demon" Spell - "Tragic Magic" Sinner - "Brotherhood" Satan - "Earth Infernal" Threshold - "Dividing Lines" Darkane - "Inhuman Spirits" Hammerfall - "Hammer Of Dawn" Ashes Of Ares - "Emperors And Fools" Ghost - "Impera" Sumerlands - "Dreamkiller" Star One - "Revel In Time" King Buffalo - "Regenerator" Hellacopters - "Eyes Of Oblivion" Misery Index - "Complete Control" Seventh Wonder - "The Testament" Simpleminds - "Direction of The Heart" Avatarium - "Death Where is Your Sting" Diablo - "When All The Rivers Are Silent" ~ Beste Debütalben: ~ Six By Six - "Six By Six" Mantric Momentum - "Trial By Fire" Phantom Spell - "Immortal’s Requiem" Venator - "Echoes From The Gutter" 2021 – TOP 30 ~ At The Gates - "The Nightmare Of Being" Todd La Torre - "Rejoice In The Suffering" Flotsam And Jetsam - "Blood In The Water" King Buffalo - "The Burden Of Restlessness" Dream Theater - "A View From The Top Of The World" Silver Lake - "Silver Lake By Esa Holopainen" Trivium - "In The Court Of The Dragon" The Tea Party - "Blood Moon Rising" Shumaun - "Memories & Intuition" Joe Bonamassa - "Time Clocks" ~ Artillery - "X" Soen - "Imperial" Dordeduh - "Har" Moonspell - "Hermitage" Septagon - "We Only Die Once" Pharaoh - "The Powers That Be" Witherfall - "Curse Of Autumn" Evergrey - "Escape Of The Phoenix" Desaster - "Churches Without Saints" Cannibal Corpse - "Violence Unimagined" ~ Gojira - "Fortitude" Pestilence - "Exitivm" Carcass - "Torn Arteries" Iron Maiden - "Senjutsu" Brainstorm - "Wall Of Skulls" Tremonti - "Marching In Time" Blaze Bailey - "War Within Me" Paradox - "Heresy II – End Of A Legend" The Nightflight Orchestra - "Aeromatic II" Blood Red Throne - "Imperial Congregation" ~ Relevante Comebackalben: ~ Helloween - "Helloween" Mordred - "The Dark Parade" Holy Mother - "Face This Burn" ~ Weitere starke Debütalben: ~ Enforced - "Killgrid" Crowdown - "Horizont" Red Eye Temple - "Vortex" Act Of Denial - "Negative" ~ Bonusgranaten: ~ Bonded - "Into Blackness" Deafheaven - "Infinte Granite" Mastodon - "Hushed And Grim" ~ Unter den Erwartungen: ~ Accept - "Too Mean To Die" Exodus - "Persona Non Grata" The Crown - "Royal Destroyer" Agent Steel - "No Other Godz Before Me" ______________ 2020 – TOP 30 ~ Armored Saint - "Punching The Sky" Necrophobic - "Dawn Of The Damned" Psychotic Waltz - "The God-shaped Void" The Nightflight Orchestra - "Aeromantic" Sorcerer - "Lamenting Of The Innocent" Fates Warning - "Long Day Good Night" Them - "Return To Hemmersmoor" Testament - "Titans Of Creation" Niviane - "The Ruthless Divine" Wytch Hazel - "III: Pentcoast" ~ Lucifer - "III" Sepultura- "Quadra" Dool - "Summerland" Spell - "Opulent Decay" Bodycount - "Carnivore" Kansas - "The Absence Of Presence" Trivium - "What The Deadmen Say" Onslaught - "Generation Antichrist" Kobra And the Lotus - "Evolution" Cloven Hoof - "Age Of Steel" ~ Pyramaze - "Epitah" Deep Purple - "Whoosh!" Horisont - "Sudden Death" Sylosis - "Cycle Of Suffering" Then Comes Silence - "Machine" Heathen - "Empire Of The Blind" Killer Be Killed - "Reluctant Hero" Mystic Prophecy - "Metal Division" Vicious Rumors - "Celebration Decay" Long Distance Calling - "How Do We Want To Live?" ~ Relevante Comebackalben: ~ Demons & Wizards - "III" Cirith Ungol - "Forever Black" Hittman - "Destroy All Humans" Conception - "State Of Deception" Pure Reason Revolution - "Eupnea" Green Carnation - "Leafes Of Yesteryear" ~ Debütalben: ~ Bonded - "Rest In Violence" ______________ 2019 – TOP 30 ~ Skyblood - "Skyblood" Soilwork - "Verkligheten" Flotsam And Jetsam - "The End Of Chaos" Icarus Witch - "Goodbye Cruel World" Steel Prophet - "The God Machine" Misery Index - "Rituals Of Power" Diamond Head - "Coffin Train" Destruction -"Born To Perish" Alcest - "Spiritual Instinct" Firespawn - "Abominate" ~ Idle Hands - "Mana" Firespawn - "Abominate" Evergrey - "The Atlantic" Borknagar - "True North" Diviner - "Realms Of Time" Exumer - "Hostile Defiance" Queensryche - "The Verdict" Astral Doors - "Worship Or Die" Sacred Reich - "The Awakening" Insomnium - "Heart Like A Grave" ~ Soen - "Lotus" Tool - "Fear Inocolom" Dark Water - "Human" Opeth - "In Cauda Veneum" Rotting Christ - "Heretics" Overkill - "The Wings Of War" Children Of Bodom - "Hexed" Ray Alder - "Crown Of Thorns" Arch / Matheos - "Winter Etherial" Dream Theater - "Distance Over Time" ~ Relevante Comebackalben: ~ Xentrix - "Bury The Pain" Disillusion - "The Liberation" Angel Witch - "Angel Of Light" Exhorder - "Mourn The Southern Skies" _____________ 2018 – Top 30 ~ Tremonti - "A Dying Machine" Redemption - "Long Night’s Journey Into Day" Act Of Defiance - "Old Scars, New Wounds" Necrophobic - "Mark Of The Necrogram" Deicide - "Overtortures OF Blasphemy" Them - "Manor Of The Se7en Gables" The Crown - "Cobra Speed Venom" Alice In Chains - "Ranier Fog" Kissin’ Dynamite - "Ecstasy" Holter - "Vlad the Impaler" ~ Skeleton Witch - "Devouring Radiant Light" Long Distance Calling - "Boundless" Annihilator - "For The Demented" Voodoo Circle - "Raised On Rock" Demonica - "Chaos Manifesto" Brainstorm - "Midnight Ghost" Shakra - "Snakes & Ladders" Audrey Horne - "Blackout" Bullet - "Dust To Gold" Pestilence - "Hadeon" ~ Ghost - "Prequelle" W.E.T. - "Earthrage" U.D.O. - "Steelfactory" Khemmis - "Desolation" Threat Signal - "Disconnect" Warrel Dane - "Shadow Work" Revocation - "The Outer Ones" Bloodbath - "The Arrow Of Satan Is Drawn" Angelus Apatrida - "Cabaret De La Guillotine" The Night Flight Orchestra - "Sometimes The World Ain’t Enough" ~ Relevante Comebackalben: ~ Susperia - "The Lyricist" Into Eternity - "The Sirens" Fifth Angel - "The Third Secret" ~ Beste Debütalben: ~ ReVertigo - "ReVertigo" ~ Unter den Erwartungen und Flops: ~ TNT - "XIII" Shadow Keep - "Shadow Keep" Amplifier - "Trippin` With Mr. Faustus" ~ Sonstiges: ~ Arena - "Double Vision" ______________ 2017 – TOP 30 ~ PowerTrip – "Nightmare Logic" Pink Cream 69 – "Headstrong" Firespawn – "The Preprobate" Jag Panzer – "The Deviant Chord" Communic – "Where Echos Gather" Cut Up – "Whereever They May Rot" Cavalera Conspiracy – "Psychosis" Damnations Day – "A World Awakens" Witherfall – "Nocturnes And Requiems" Junius – "Eternal Rituals For The Acretion Of Light" ~ F.K.Ü. – "1981" Striker – "Striker" Prong – "Zero Days" Jacobs Moor – "Self" Deep Purple – "Infinite" Voyager – "Ghost Miles" Iced Earth – "Incorruptible" Infernal Majesty – "No God" Wednesday 13 – "Condolences" Dyscarnate - "With All Ther Might" ~ Soen – "Lykaia" Persefone – "Aathma" Dool – "Here Now, Here Then" Arduini/Balich – "Dawn Of Ages" Adrenaline Mob – "We The People" Days Of Jupiter – "New Awakening" Evocation – "The Shadow Archetype" Sons Of Apollo – "Psychotic Symphony" Sorcerer – "The Crowning Of The Fireking" Cradle Of Filth – "Cryptoriana – The Seductivness Of Decay" ~ Relevante Comebackalben: ~ Threat Signal – "Disconnect" ~ Sonstiges: ~ Blackfield - "V" ______________ 2016 – TOP 30 ~ Glenn Hughes - "Resonate" Alter Bridge - "The Last Hero" Revocation - "Great Is Our Sin" Fates Warning - "Theories Of Flight" Flotsam And Jetsam - "Flotsam And Jetsam" Herman Frank - "The Devil Rides Out" Thunderstone - "Apocalypse Again" Tides From Nebula - "Safehaven" Monstertruck - "Sittin‘ Heavy" Megadeth - "Dystopia" ~ Rotting Christ - "Rituals" Kansas - "Prelude Implicit" Oceans Of Slumber - "Winter" Agonizer - "Visions Of The Blind" The Vision Bleak - "The Unknown" Crippled Black Phoenix - "Bronze" Metallica - "Hardwired … To Selfdestruct" The Mission - "Another Fall From Grace" Tygers Of Pan Tang - "Tygers Of Pan Tang" The Neal Morse Band - "The Similtude Of A Dream" ~ Gojira - "Magma" Paradox - "Pangea" Lords Of Black - "II" Entombed A.D. - "Dead Dawn" Redemption - "The Art Of Loss" Mystik Prophecy - "War Brigade" Artillery - "Penalty By Perception" Denner/Sherman - "Masters Of Evil" Condition Critical - "Extermination Plan" Testament - "Brotherhood Of The Snake" ~ Relevantes Comebackalbum: ~ Epitaph - "Fire From The Soul" ~ Bestes Debüt: ~ Them - "Sweet Hollow" ~ Unter den Erwartungen und Flops: ~ Metal Church - "XI" Q5 - "New World Order" Anthrax - "For All Kings" Dream Theater - "The Astonishing" The Dead Daisies - "Make Some Noise" _____________ 2015 - TOP 30 ~ Tank - "Valley Of Tears" Iris Divine - "Karma Sown" Bliksem - "Gruesome Masterpiece" Armored Saint - "Hands Win Down" Symphony X - "The Underworld" The Dead Daisies - "Revolucion" Danko Jones - "Fire Music" Europe - "War Of Kings" Ghost - "Meliora" Toto - "IVX" ~ House Of Lords - "Indestructible" Joel Hoekstra’s 13 - "Dying To Live" Lonely Robot - "Please Come Home" Devil City Angels - "Devil City Angels" Cradle Of Filth - "Hammer Of The Witch" Riverside - "Love, Fear And The Time Machine" Sorcerer - "In The Shadow Of The Inverted Cross" Manilla Road - "The Blessed Curse / After The Muse" Uncle Acid And the Deadbeats - "The Nightcripper" Jorn Lande & Trond Holter present DRACULA - "Swing Of Death" ~ Melechesh - "Enki" Cage - "Ancient Evil" W.A.S.P.. - "Golgatha" Arcturus - "Arcturium" Bodyfarm - "Battlebreed" Enabler - "Fail To Feel Safe" Soilwork - "The Ride Majestic" Iron Maiden - "Book Of Souls" The Answer - "Raise A Little Hell" Sulphur Aeon - "Gateway To The Antisphere" ~ Beste Debütalben: ~ Cut-up - "Forensic Nightmares" Deth Enemy - "Unmovable" Tau Cross - "Tau Cross" The Inner Me - "New Horizons" Edge Of The Blade - "Ghosts Of The Humans" ~ Sonstiges: ~ Zierler - "ESC" E.A.V. - "Werwolf Attacke" _____________ 2014 – TOP 30 ~ Channel Zero - "Kill All Kings" Knightmare - "In Death’s Shadow" Insomnium - "Shadows Of The Dying Sun" The Intersphere - "Relations In The Unseen" Cannibal Corpse - "A Skeletal Domain" Monte Pittman - "The Power Of Three" Vanishing Point - "Distant Is The Sun" Wovenwar - "Wovenwar" Wolf - "Devil Seed" Voyager - "V" ~ Tycho - "Awake" Alcest - "Shelter" Cripper - "Hyena" Accept - "Blind Rage" Prong - "Ruining Lives" Birth Of Joy - "Prisoner" Hirax - "Immortal Legacy" Riot V - "Unleash The Fire" Helstar - "This Wicked Nest" Evergrey - "Hymns For The Broken" ~ Misery Index - "Killing Gods" Audrey Horne - "Pure Heavy" The Pineapple Thief - "Magnolia" Grand Magus - "Triumph And Power" Transport League - "Boogie From Hell" Mastodon - "Once More Round The Sun" The Skull - "For Those Which Are Asleep" Machine Head - "Bloodstones And Diamonds" Primordial - "Where Greater Men Were Fallen" And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead - "IX" ~ Relevante Comebackalben: ~ Sanctuary - "The Day The Sun Died" ~ Beste Debütalben: ~ Incura - "Incura" Killer Be Killed - "Killer Be Killed" ~ Unter den Erwartungen und Flops: ~ Exodus - "Blood In, Blood Out" The Duskfall - "Where The Trees Stands Dead" _____________ 2013 – TOP 30 ~ Filter – "The Sun Comes Out Tonight" Dream Theater – "Dream Theater" Soilwork – "The Living Infinite" Deicide – "In The Minds Of Evil" Deep Purple – "Now What?!" Coldspell – "Frozen Paradise" DevilDriver - "Winter Kills" Alterbridge – "Fortress" Subsignal – "Paraiso" Amorphis – "Circle" ~ Alice In Chains - "The Devil Put Dinosaurs Here" Fates Warning - "Darkness In A Different Light" Riverside – "Shrine Of New Generation Slaves" Rotting Christ - "Kata Ton Demona Eaytoy" Atlantean Kodex - "The White Goddess" Dead Letter Circus - "Cataklyst Fire" F.K.Ü. – "4: Rise Of The Mosh Mongers" Hellloween - "Straight Out Of Hell" Darkane – "Sinister Supremacy" Annihilator - "Feast" ~ The Ocean – "Pelagial" Hell - "Curse & Chapter" Chemia - "The One Inside" Megadeth - "Super Collider" Pretty Maids - "Motherland" Orphaned Land - "All Is One" Seventh Key - "I Will Survive" Audrey Horne – "Youngblood" Sodom - "Epitome Of Torture" Bodyfarm - "The Coming Scourge" ~ Relevante Comebackalben: ~ Black Sabbath - "13" Satan - "Life Sentence" Tad Morose - "Revenant" Carcass – "Surgical Steel" Memory Garden - "Doomain" Trouble – "The Distortion Field" ~ Beste Debütalben: ~ Avatarium - "Avatarium" Hatriot - "Heroes Of Origin" Dead Soul - "In The Darkness" Saffire – "From Ashes To Fire" Ashes Of Ares - "Ashes Of Ares" Sound Of Contact – "Dimensionaut" Black Star Riders - "All Hell Breaks Loose" Void Of Sleep – "Tales Between Reality And Madness" ~ Unter den Erwartungen und Flops: ~ Breed 77 - "The Evil Inside" Metal Church - "Generation Nothing" _____________ 2012 – TOP 30 ~ Joe Bonamassa - "Driving Towards The Daylight" Marillion - "A Sound That Can’t Be Made" Testament - "Dark Roots Of The Earth" Threshold - "March Of Progress" Anathema - "Weather Systems" Kreator - "Phantom Antichrist" Prong - "Carved Into Stone" Gojira - "L’Enfant Sauvage" Mastodon - "The Hunter" Demon - "Unbroken" ~ Prototype - "Catalyst" Rush - "Clockwork Angels" Overkill - "The Electric Age" Crimson Cult - "Tales Of Doom" Andre Matos - "The Turn Of The Lights" Arena - "The Seventh Degree Of Separation" Paradox - "Tales Of The Weird" Fate - "Ghosts From The Past" Grand Magus - "The Hunt" Asphyx - "Deathhammer" ~ Driver - "Countdown" Shinedown - "Amaryllis" Kill Devil Hill - "Kill Devil Hill" Herman Frank - "Right In The Guts" The Intersphere - "Hold On, Liberty!" Candlemass - "Psalms For The Dead" Black Country Communion - "Afterglow" Boon - "The Essence Of Everthing" Orden Ogan - "To The End" Monuments - "Gnosis" ~ Relevante Comebackalben: ~ Paragon - "Force Of Destruction" ~ Beste Debütalben: ~ Adrenaline Mob - "Omerta" Flying Colors - "Flying Colors" Knight Fury - "Time To Rock" ~ Sonstiges: ~ Meshuggah - "Koloss" Accept - "Stalingrad" ~ Unter den Erwartungen: ~ Flotsam And Jetsam - "Ugly Noise" _____________ 2011 – TOP 30 ~ Shy - "Shy" Riot - "Immortal Soul" Joe Bonamassa - "Dustbowl" Protest The Hero - "Scurrilous" Wolverine - "Communication Lost" Machine Head - "Unto The Locust" Coldspell - "Out From The Cold" TNT - "A Farewell To Arms" Iced Earth - "Dystopia" Mr. Big - "What If" ~ Deicide - "To Hell With God" Arch Enemy - "Chaos Legions" Jag Panzer - "Scourge Of Light" Cell-Out - "Superstar Prototype" Black Country Communion - "II" Communic - "The Bottom Deep" Chimaira - "The Age Of Hell" Whitesnake - "Forevermore" Crossfade - "We All Bleed" Journey - "Eclipse" ~ Vektor - "Outer Isolation" Subsignal - "Touchstones" House Of Lords - "Big Money" Mystic Prophecy - "Ravenlord" Amon Amarth - "Surtur Rising" The Man-eating Tree - "Harvest" Hatesphere - "The Great Bludgeoining" Arch/Matheos - "Sympathetic Resonance" Dream Theater - "A Dramatic Turn Of Events" Charred Walls Of The Damned - "Cold Winds On Timeless Days" ~ Relevante Comebackalben: ~ Anthrax - "Worship Music" ~ Beste Debütalben: ~ Hell - "Human Remains" ~ Sonstiges: ~ Redemption - "This Mortal Coil" Voyager - "The Meaning Of I" Jeff Martin - "The Ground Cries Out" Three - "The Ghost You Gave To Me" Fair To Midland - "Arrows And Anchors" Brainstorm - "On The Spur Of The Moment" ~ Unter den Erwartungen und Flops: ~ Megadeth - "Th1rt3en" Blackfield - "Welcome To My DNA" Pagan’s Mind - "Heavenly Ecstasy" ____________ 2010 – Top 30 ~ Audrey Horne - "Audrey Horne" Flotsam And Jetsam - "The Cold" Dead Letter Circus - "This Is The Warning" Pure Reason Revolution - "Hammer And Anvil" Melissa Auf Der Maur - "Out Of Our Minds" Misery Index - "Heirs To Thievery" Killing Joke - "Absolut Dissent" Keep Of Kalessin - "Reptilian" Helstar - "Glory Of Chaos" Alter Bridge - "III" ~ Sahg - "III" Demians - "Mute" Myrath - "Desert Call" Overkill - "Ironbound" Helloween - "7 Sinners" Karnivool - "Sound Awake" Sodom - "In War And Pieces" Hellfueled - "Emission Of Sins" Death Angel - "Relentless Retribution" Nevermore - "The Obsidian Conspiracy" ~ Tank - "Warmachine" Hellyeah - "Stampede" Witchery - "Witchkrieg" Annihilator - "Annihilator" Melechesh - "The Epigenesis" Monstermagnet - "Mastermind" James LaBrie - "Static Impulse" Filter - "The Trouble With Angels" Spiritual Beggars - "Return To Zero" Throes Of Dawn - "The Great Fleet Of Echoes" ~ Relevante Comebackalben: ~ Atheist - "Jupiter" Treat - "Coup De Grace" Forbidden - "Omega Wave" The Crown - "Doomsday King" Heathen - "Evolution Of Chaos" Accept - "Blood Of The Nations" ~ Beste Debütalben: ~ Demonica - "Demonstrous" Atlantean Kodex - "The Golden Bough" The Shadow Theory - "Behind The Black Veil" Black Country Communion - "Black Country Communion" ~ Sonstiges oder In der Warteschleife: ~ Krokus - "Hoodoo" Foreigner - "Can’t Slow Down" Enemy Of The Sun - "Caedium" Cataract - "Killing The Eternal" Soilwork - "The Panic Broadcast" Kamelot - "Poetry For The Poisoned" Dark Tranquillity - "We Are The Void" Cradle Of Filth - "Darkly, Darkly Venus Aversa" _____________ 2009 – TOP 30 ~ Europe - "Last Look At Eden" Coldspell - "Infinite Stargaze" (D) Redemption - "Snowfall On Judgementday" The Butterfly Effect - "Conversation Of Kings" Alice In Chains - "Black Gives The Way To Blue" Dream Theater - "Black Clouds And Silver Lightnings" Scar Symmetry - "Dark Matter Dimensions" Devin Townsend Project - "Addicted" Powerwolf - "Bible O f The Beast" Behemoth - "Evangelion" ~ Winger - "Karma" Breed 77 - "Insects" Meshuggah - "obZen" Amorphis - "Skyforger" Mastodon - "Crack The Skye" Hinder - "Take It To The Limit" DevilDriver - "Pray For Villains" Wolfmother - "Cosmic Egg" God Forbid - "Earthblood" Wolf - "Ravenous" ~ Kreator - "Hordes Of Chaos" Hatesphere - "To The Nines" Porcupine Tree - "The Incident" Candlemass - "Death Magic Doom" Hammerfall - "No Sacrifice, No Victory" Savage Blade - "We Are The Hammer" Hardcore Superstar - "Beg For It" Brainstorm - "Memorial Roots" Immortal - "All Shall Fall" Megadeth - "Endgame" ~ Relevantes Comebackalbum: ~ Artillery - "When Death Comes" ~ Beste Debütalben: ~ W.E.T. - "W.e.t." City Of Fire - "City Of Fire" Inmoria -"Invisible Wounds" Crimson Cult - "Crimson Cult" The New Black - "The New Black" Subsignal - "Beautiful & Monstrous" Devil’s Blood - "The Time Of No Time Evermore" ~ Unter den Erwartungen und Flops: ~ Lillian Axe - "Sad Day On Mother Earth" Slayer - "World Painted Blood" _____________ 2008 – TOP 30 ~ Shinedown - "The Sound Of Madness" Starbreaker - "Love's Dying Wish" Hollenthon - "Opus Magnum" Avantasia - "The Scarecrow" Guilottine - "Blood Money" Brainstorm - "Downburst" Grand Magus - "Iron Will" Pyramaze - "Immortal" Textures - "Silhouetes" Tankard - "Thirst" ~ Evergrey - "Torn" Opeth - "Watershed" Firewind - "The Premonition" Metallica - "Death Magnetic" Death Angel - "Killing Season" Whitesnake - "Good To Be Bad" Slipknot - "All Hope Is Gone" Sworn Enemy - "Manical" Meshuggah - "obZen" Soulfly - "Conquer" ~ Sahg - "II" Trivium - "Shogun" Cynic - "Traced In Air" Pyramaze - "Immortal" Journey - "Generations" Dark Fortress - "Eidolon" Judas Priest - "Nostradamus" Iced Earth - "The Crucible Of Man" Hail Of Bullets - "...Of Frost And War" Zimmers Hole - "When You Were Shouting At The Devil ..." ~ Relevante Comebackalben: ~ Whitesnake - "Good To Be Bad" Mötley Crüe - "Saints Of Los Angeles" Testament - "Formation Of Damnation" ~ Debütalben: ~ Warrel Dane - "Praises To The War Machine" Austrian Death Machine - "Total Brutal" Amaseffer - "Exodus - Slaves For Life" Sylosis - "Conclusion Of An Age" Airbourne - "Runnin‘ Wild" ~ Unter den Erwartungen und Flops: ~ Helstar - "King Of Hell" The Haunted - "Versus" Metal Church - "This Present Wasteland" Cradle Of Filth - "Godspeed On Devil's Thunder" ____________ 2007 - TOP 30 ~ The Duskfall - "The Dying Wonders Of The World" Hardcore Superstar - "Dreamin’ In A Casket" Volbeat - "Rock The Rebel, Metal The Devil" Pagan’s Mind - "God’s Equation" Sieges Even - "Paramount" Amorphis - "Silent Waters" Chimaira - "Resurrection" W.A.S.P. - "Dominator" Oceansize - "Frames" Aghora - "Formless" ~ Talisman - "7" Masterplan - "MK II" Powerwolf - "Lupus Dei" Scariot - "Momentum Shift" Symphony X - "Paradise Lost" Machine Head - "The Blackening" Megadeth - "United Abomination" Redemption - "The Origins Of Ruin" Monstrosity - "Spiritual Apocalypse" Crashdiet - "The Unattractive Revolution" ~ At Vance - "VII" Autumn - "My New Time" Saxon - "The Inner Sanctum" Eyefear - "A World Full Of Grey" Dimmu Borgir - "In Sorte Diaboli" Devildriver - "The Last Kind Of Words" Candlemass - "King Of The Grey Islands" Rebel Meets Rebel - "Rebel Meets Rebel" Black Stone Cherry - "Black Stone Cherry" The Arcane Order - "In The Wake Of Collisions" ~ Relevante Comebackalben: ~ Obituary - "Xecutioners Return" ~ Beste Debütalben: ~ Slaviour - "Slaviour" Sanctity - "Road To Bloodshed" Ride The Sky - "New Protection" Enemy Of The Sun - "Enemy Of The Sun" ~ Unter den Erwartungen: ~ Dream Theater - "Systematic Chaos" Porcupine Tree - "Fear Of A Blank Planet" King Diamond - "Gimme Your Soul … Please" ~ Sonstiges: ~ Blackfield - "II" Kamelot - "Ghost Opera" Fear My Thoughts - "Vulcanus" _____________ 2006 – TOP 30 ~ Amon Amarth - "With Odin On Our Side" Scar Symmetry - "Pitch Black Progress" Tribe Of Gypsies - "Dweller On The Threshold" Hardcore Superstar - "Hardcore Superstar" Evergrey - "Monday Morning Apocalypse" Katatonia - "The Great Cold Distance" Deicide - "Stench Of Redemption" Lacuna Coil - "Karmacode" Trivium - "The Crusade" Amorphis -"Elegy" ~ Edguy - "Rocket Ride" Cataract - "Kingdom" Slayer - "Christ Illusion" Vicious Rumors - "Warball" Solitude Aeturnus - "Alone" Illdisposed - "Burn Me Wicked" Unearth - "III: In The Eyes Of Fire" Eidolon - "The Parallel Otherworld" Communic - "Waves Of Visual Decay" Kayser - "Frame The World … Hang It On The Wall" ~ OSI - "Free" Saga - "Trust" Jorn - "The Duke" Tool - "10000 Days" Disillusion - "Gloria" The Quill - "In Triumph" Rage - "Speak Of The Dead" Mastodon - "Blood Mountain" Necrophobic - "Hrimthursum" Beyond Twilight - "For The Love Of Art And The Making" ~ Relevante Comebackalben: ~ Celtic Frost - "Monotheist" Leatherwolf - "Worldasylum" ~ Beste Debütalben: ~ I - "Between Two Worlds" Threat Signal - "Under Reprisal" Stonegard - "From Dusk till Doom" Pure Reason Revolution - "The Dark Third" ~ Unter den Erwartungen und Flops: ~ Amplifier - "Insider" Sepultura - "Danze XXI" In Flames - "Come Clarity" Cradle Of Filth - "Thornography" Witchery - "Don’t Fear The Reaper" Metal Church - "A Light In The Dark" Blind Guardian - "A Twist In The Myth" Iron Maiden - "A Matter Of Life And Death" ~ Sonstiges: ~ Voivod - "Katorz" Europe - "Secret Society" Proto~Kaw - "The Wait Of Glory" Killing Joke - "Hosannas from The Base Of Hell" _____________ 2005 – TOP 30 ~ Nevermore - "This Godless Endeavor" Arch Enemy - "Doomsday Machine" Hatesphere - "The Sickness Within" Pagans Mind - "Enigmatic: Calling" Disturbed - "Ten Thousand Fists" Redemption - "Fullness of Tine" Porcupine Tree - "Deadwing" Arena - "Pepper’s Ghost" Opeth - "Ghost Reveries" Soulfly - "Dark Ages" ~ Hellfueled - "Born II Rock" Masterplan - "Aeronautics" Beyond Twilight - "Section X" Strabbing Young Lad - "Alien" Dream Theater - "Octavarium" Nightrage - "Descent Into Chaos" Riverside - "Second Life Syndrome" Oceansize - "Everyone Into Position" Bruce Dickinson - "Tyranny Of Souls" Exodus - "Shovel Headed Kill Machine" ~ Kreator - "Enemy Of God" Firewind - "Forged In Fire" Primal Fear - "Seven Seals" TNT - "All The Way To The Sun" Annihilator - "Schizo Deluxe" Brainstorm - "Liquid Monster" Dark Tranquillity - "Character" Anubis Gate - "A Perfect Forever" Belphegor - "Goatreich – Fleshcult" Circle II Circle - "In The Middle Of Nowhere" ~ Relevante Comebackalben: ~ Candlemass - "Candlemass" Sieges Even - "The Art To Navigating By Stars" ~ Beste Debütalben: ~ Volbeat - "The Strength, The Sound, The Songs" Scar Symmetry - "Symmetric In Design" Archetype - "Dawning" Kino - "Picture" ~ Unter der Erwartung und Flops: ~ Nuclear Assault - "Third World Genocide" Seven Witches - "Amped" Overkill - "Relixiv" ~ Sonstiges: ~ Iommi - "Fused" Coldplay - "X&Y" Kamelot - "The Black Halo" Judas Priest - "Angel Of Retribution" Primordial - "The Gathering Wilderness" ____________ 2004 – TOP 30 ~ Alter Bridge - "One Day Remains" (D) Into Eternity - "Buried In Oblivion" Cradle Of Filth - "Nymphetamine" Hatesphere - "Ballet Of The Brute" Illdisposed - "Vindication 1-800" God Forbid - "Gone Forever" Fear Factory - "Archetype" The Haunted - "Revolver" Soulfly - "Prophecy" TNT - "My Religion" ~ Nightwish - "Once" Jaded Heart - "Trust" Impious - "Hellucinate" Fates Warning - "FWX" Mastodon - "Leviathan" Evergrey - "The Inner Circle" Grip Inc. - "Incorporated" Motörhead - "Inferno" Edguy - "Hellfire Club" Asia - "Silent Nation" ~ Soil - "Redefine" Journey - "Generations" Threshold - "Subsurface" Manticora - "8 Deadly Sins" The Tea Party - "Seven Circles" Shadows Fall "The War Within" Amon Amarth - "Fate Of Norns" Jag Panzer - "Casting The Stones" Unearth - "The Oncoming Storm" Disillusion - "Back To Times Of Splendor" ~ Relevante Comebackalben: ~ Europe - "Back From the Dark" Death Angel - "The Art Of Dying" Exodus - "Tempo Of The Damned" ~ Beste Debütalben: ~ Blackfield - "I" Amplifier - "Amplfier" Hellfueled - "Volume I" Velvet Revolver - "Contraband" ~ Unter den Erwartungen und Flops: ~ Iced Earth - "The Glorious Burden" Megadeth - "The System Has Failed" Metal Church - "Weight Of The World" In Flames - "Soundtrack To Your Escape" ~ Sonstiges: ~ Paatos - "Kallocain" Marillion - "Marbles" Proto-Kaw - "Before Became After" ___________ 2003 TOP 30 ~ Masterplan - "Masterplan" (D) Soilwork - "Figure Number Five" Dream Theater - "Train Of Thought" Arch Enemy - "Anthems Of Rebellion" King Diamond - "The Puppet Master" Bob Catley - "When Empires Burn" At Vance - "The Evil In You" Stygma IV - "Hell Within" Queensryche - "Tribe" Overkill - "Killbox 13" ~ Arena - "Contagion" The Crown -"Possessed 13" Jane’s Addiction - "Strays" Evergrey - "Recreation Day" Disbelief - "Spreading The Rage" Nevermore - "Enemies Of Reality" The Quill - "Hooray … It’s A Deathtrip" Cradle OF Filth - "Damnation And A Day" Balance Of Power - "The Heathen Machine" Glenn Hughes - "Songs In The Key Of Rock" ~ John Arch - "A Twist Of Fate" Brainstorm - "Soul Temptation" Iron Maiden - "Dance Of Death" Anthrax - "We’ve Come For You All" A Perfect Circle - "Thirteenth Step" Agent Steel - "Order Of The Illuminati" Dead Soul Tribe - "A Murder Of Crows " Dimmu Borgir - "Death Cult Armageddon" While Heaven Wept - "For Empires Forlorn" Hammers Of Misfortune - "The August Machine" ~ Relevante Comebackalben: ~ Naglfar - "Sheol" Tarot - "Suffer Our Pleasures" ~ Beste Debütalben: ~ Evanesance - "Fallen" Oceansize - "Effloresce" Nightrage - "Sweet Vengeance" Circle II Cirlce - "Watching In Silence" The Black Dahlia Murder - "Unhallowed" Mnemic - "Mechanical Spin Phenomena" ~ Unter den Erwartungen und Flops: ~ Metallica - "St. Anger" Helloween - "Rabbit Don’t Come Easy" ~ Sonstiges: ~ Extol - "Sinergy" Enchant - "Tug Of War" _____________ 2002 – TOP 30 ~ The Crown - "Crowned In Terror" Sinergy - "Suicide By My Side" Star One - "Space Metal" Filter - "The Amalgamut" Onward - "Reawaken" Porcupine Tree - "In Absentia" Pagan’s Mind - "Celestial Entrance" Amon Amarth - "Versus The World" Firewind - "Between Heaven And Hell" Queens Of The Stoneage - "Songs For The Deaf" ~ Shadow Keep - "A Shadow Theory" Manowar - "Warriors Of The World" Dark Tranquillity - "Damage Done" In Flames - "Reroute To Remain" W.A.S.P. - "Dying For The World" Cornerstone - "Human Stain" Nightwish - "Century Child" King Diamond - "Abigail II" Threshold - "Critical Mass" Disturbed - "Believe" ~ Everon - "Bridge" Engine - "Superholic" Audioslave - "Audioslave" Enchant - "Blink Of An Eye" Spiritual Beggars - "On Fire" Arcturus - "The Shame Mirrors" Vanden Plas - "Beyond The Daylight" Blind Guardian - "A Night At The Opera" Immortal - "Sons Of Northern Darkness" Dream Theater - "Six Degrees Of Inner Turbulence" ~ Relevante Comebackalben: ~ Warlord - "Rising Out Of The Ashes" ~ Beste Debütalben: ~ Krux - "Krux" 30 Seconds To Mars - "30 Seconds To Mars" ____________ 2001 – Top 30 ~ Ark - "Burn The Sun" Jorn - "Worldchanger" Iced Earth - "Horrorshow" Threshold - "Hypothetical" Entombed - "Morning Star" Amorphis - "Am Universum" Brainstorm - "Metus Mortis" Destruction - "The Antichrist" Jag Panzer - "Mechanized Warfare" Dimmu Borgir - "Puritanical Euphoric Misantropia" ~ Asia - "Aura" Sodom - "M 16" Edguy - "Mandrake" Devin Townsend - "Terria" Arch Enemy - "Wages Of Sin" Kreator - "Violent Revolution" Grave Digger - "Grave Digger" Pink Cream 69 - "Endangered" Annihilator - "Carnival Diablos" Soilwork - "A Predators Portrait" ~ W.A.S.P. - "Unholy Terror" Opeth - "Blackwater Park" Disbelief - "Worst Enemy" The Cult - "Beyond Good And Evil" Beyond Twilight - "Devil’s Hall Of Fame" Hollenthon - "With Vilest Of Worms To Dwell" Supreme Majesty - "Tales Of A Tragic Kingdom" The Bronx Casket - "Sweet Home Transylvania" Blue Öyster Cult - "Curse Of The Hidden Mirror" Emperor - "Prometheus: The Discipline of Fire and Demise" ~ Beste Debütalben: ~ Falconer- "Falconer" Mystic Prophecy - "Vengeance" ~ Relevante Comebackalben: ~ Demon - "Spaced Out Monkey" ~ Unter den Erwartungen und Flops: ~ Slayer - "God Hates Us All" Savatage - "Poets And Madmen" ~ Sonstiges: ~ Mystic Force - "Man Vs. Machine" Sevendust - "Animosity" Stygma IV - "Phobia" Tool - "Lateralus" _____________ 2000 – TOP 30 ~ Cradle Of Filth - "Midian" The Crown - "Deathrace King" Nevermore - "Dead Heart In A Dead World" Tribe Of Gypsies - "Standing On The Shoulder Of A Giant" Kansas - "Somewhere To Elsewhere" Pink Cream 69 - "Sonic Dynamite" Spiritual Beggars - "Ad Astra" Steel Prophet - "Messiah" Vast - "Music For People" In Flames - "Clayman" ~ Arena - "Immortal?" Elegy - "Forbidden Fruit" Sinergy - "To Hell And Back" Pantera - "Reinventing The Steel" Iron Maiden - "Brave New World" Oldman’s Child - "Revelation 666" The Haunted - "Made Me Do It" Vomitory - "Revelation Nausea" Helloween - "The Dark Ride" Nightwish - "Wishmaster" ~ Lefay - "SOS" Stratovarius - "Infinte" Immortal - "Damned In Black" Jag Panzer - "Thane To The Throne" Children Of Bodom - "Follow The Reaper" Virgin Steele - "The House Of Atreus Part II" Ritual Carnage - "Every Nerve Alive" Fates Warning - "Disconnected" Brainstorm - "Ambiguity" Tad Morose - "Undead" ~ Relevante Comebackalben: ~ Armored Saint - "Revelation" Racer X - "Technical Difficulties" Destruction - "All Hell Breaks Loose" ~ Beste Debütalben: ~ Cornerstone - "Arrival" Blaze - "Silicon Messiah" Halford - "Resurrection" ~ Unter den Erwartungen und Flops: ~ King Diamond - "House Of God" ~ Sonstiges: ~ Journey - "Arrival" Death SS - "Panic" Deftones - "White Pony" Glenn Hughes - "Return Of Crystal Karma" _____________ 1999 – TOP 30 ~ In Flames - "Colony" Amorphis - "Tuonela" The Tea Patry - "Tryptich" Wardog - "A Sound Beating" Testament - "The Gathering" Kamelot - "The Fourth Legacy" Nevermore - "Dreaming Neon Black" God Dethroned - "Bloody Blasphemy" Evergrey - "Solitude " Dominance " Tragedy" Dream Theater - "Metropolis Pt. 2: Scenes Of A Memory" ~ Samael - "Eternal" Mercyful Fate - "9" Filter - "Title Of Record" Backyard Babies - "Total 13" Edguy - "Theatre Of Salvation" Arch Enemy - "Burning Bridges" Cannibal Corpse - "Bloodthirst" Enola Gay - "Strange Encounter" Necrobobic - "The Third Antichrist" Dimmu Borgir - "Spiritual Black Dimensions" ~ Virgin Steele - "The House Of Atreus – Act I" Nocturnal Rites - "The Secret Talisman" Swordmaster - "Moribund Transgoria" Amon Amarth - "The Avenger" Gamma Ray - "Powerplant" Emperor - "IX: Equilibrium" Skyclad - "Vintage Vine" Angel Dust - "Bleed" Grip Inc. - "Solidify" Sodom - "Code Red" ~ Relevante Comebackalben: ~ Agent Steel - "Omega Conspiracy" ~ Beste Debütalben: ~ Engine - "Engine" Hollenthon - "Domus Mundi" Sinergy - "Beware The Heavens" The Bronx Casket - "The Bronx Casket" Control Denied - "The Fragile Art Of Existence" New American Shame - "New American Shame" ~ Unter den Erwartungen und Flops: ~ Megadeth - "Risk" Kreator - "Endorama" Overkill - "Necroshine" Metal Church - "Masterpeace" Flotsam And jetsam - "Unnatural Selction" ~ Sonstiges: ~ Lefay - "Symphony Of The Damned" _____________ 1998 – TOP 30 ~ Devin Townsends - Oceanmachine - "Biomech" Iced Earth - "Something Wicked This Way Comes" Bruce Dickinson - "The Chemical Wedding" Ayreon - "Into The Electric Castle" Spiritual Beggars - "Mantra III" Hammerfall - "Legacy Of Kings" Helloween - "Better than Raw" Nightwish - "Oceanborn" Virgin Steele - "Invictus" Therion - "Vovin" ~ Brainstorm - "Unholy" Stratovarius - "Destiny" Devin Townsend - "Infinity" Elegy - "Manifestion Of Fear" Jag Panzer - "Age Of Mastery" Monster Magnet - "Powertrip" Rob Zombie - "Hellbilly Deluxe" Death - "The Sound Of Perseverance" Anthrax - "Volume 8: The Threat Is Real" Old Man’s Child - "III: Natured Spiritual invasion" ~ Rage - "XIII" Arch Enemy - "Stigmata" The Crown - "Hell Is Here" King Diamond - "Voodoo" Benediction - "Grind Bastard" Symphony X - "Twilight In Olympus" Stigmata IV - "The Court Of Eternity" Cannibal Corpse - "Gallery Of Suicide" Cradle Of Filth - "Cruelity And The Beast" Rhapsody - "Symphony Of Enchanted Lands" ~ Relevante Comebackalben: ~ Warrior - "Ancient Future" Angel Dust - "Border Of Reality" ~ Beste Debütalben: ~ Vast - "Vast" Covenant - "Nexus Polaris" Primal Fear - "Primal Fear" Backyard Babys - "Total 13" Witchery - "Restless And Dead" Children Of Bodom - "Something Wild" Amon Amarth - "Once Sent from The Golden Hall" Liquid Tension Experiment - "Liquid Tension Experiment" ~ Unter den Erwartungen und Flops: ~ Van Halen - "III" Sepultura - "Against" Iron Maiden - "Virtual XI" Slayer - "Diabolus Musica" Mercyful Fate - "Dead Again" Blind Guardian - "Nightfall In Middle-Earth" _____________ 1997 – TOP 30 ~ Grip Inc. - "Nemesis" Stratovarius - "Visions" Hexenhaus - "Dejavoodoo" Sanvoisen - "Soul Seasons" Saxon - "Unleash The Beast" Paradise Lost - "One Second" Tiamat - "A Deeper Kind Of Slumber" Crown Of Thorns - "Eternal Death" Bruce Dickinson - "Accident Of Birth" Dimmu Borgir - "Enthrone Darkness Triumphant" ~ Conception - "Flow" Elegy - "State Of Mind" Geezer - "Black Science" Pretty Maids - "Spooked" Channel Zero - "Black Fuel" Dark Tranquillity - "The Mind’s I" The Gathering - "Nighttime Birds" Jag Panzer - "The Fourth Judgement" Machine Head - "The More Things Change" Fates Warning - "A Pleasant Shade Of Grey" ~ The Krupps - "II" Voivod "Phobos" In Flames - "Whoracle" Venom - "Cast In Stone" Megadeth - "Cryptic Writings" Strapping Young Lad - "City" Dream Theater - "Falling Into Infinity" Gamma Ray - "Somewhere Out In Space" Symphony X - "The Divine Wings Of Tragedy" Overkill - "From the Underground And Below" ~ Beste Debütalben: ~ Enertia - "Momentum" Vanderhoof - "Vanderhoof" Gardenian - "Two Feet Stand" Hammerfall - "Glory To the Brave" Stigmata - "Solum Mente Infirmis" ~ Relevante Comebackalben: ~ Pariah - "Unity" Yngwie Malmsteen - "Facing The Animal" ~ Unter den Erwartungen und Flops: ~ Metallica - "Reload" Annihilator - "Remains" Testament - "Demonic" Judas Priest - "Jugulator" Flotsam And Jetsam - "High" Savatage - "Wake Of Magellan" Queensryche - "Hear In the Now Frontier" ~ Sonstiges: ~ W.A.S.P. - "K.F.D." Faith No More - "Album Of The Year" Facedown - "The Twisted Rule The Wicked" Tribe After Tribe - "Pearls Before Swines" _____________ 1996 – Top 30 ~ Journey - "Trial By Fire" Iced Earth - "The Dark Saga" In Flames - "The Jester Race" Skyclad - "Irrational Anthems" Mercyful Fate - "Into The Unkown" The Exploited - "Beat The Bastards" Psychotic Waltz - "Bleeding" Moonspell - "Irreligious" Angra - "Holy Land" Therion - "Theli" ~ Narita - "Life" Amorphis - "Elegy" Rage - "Lingua Mortis" Edge Of Sanity - "Crimson" Morgana Lefay - "Maleficium" Type O Negative - "October Rust" Helloween - "The Time Of The Oath" Nevermore - "The Politics Of Ecstasy" Vicious Rumors - "Something Burnin’" Cradle Of Filth - "Dusk And her Embrace" ~ Samael - "Passage" Sentenced - "Down" Wardog - "Scorching Earth" Overkill - "The Killing Kind" Grave Digger - "Tunes Of War" Manowar - "Louder Than Hell" Impelliteri - "Screaming Symphony" Morgoth - "Feel Sorry For The Fanatic" Secret Discovery - "A Question Of Time" Pantera - "The Great Southern Trendkill" ~ Relevante Comebackalben: ~ Whiplash - "Cult Of One" Glenn Hughes - "Addiction" ~ Debütalben: ~ Dearly Beheaded - "Temptation" ~ Unter den Erwartungen und Flops: ~ Metallica - "Load" Sepultura - "Roots" Rush - "Test For Echo" Prong - "Rude Awakening" King Diamond - "The Graveyard" ~ Sonstiges: ~ Carcass - "Swansomg" Nevermore - "In Memory" (EP) Hardware - "Race, Religion & Hate" (EP) _____________ 1995 – TOP 30 ~ Death - "Symbolic" Iced Earth - "Burnt Offerings" Fear Factory - "Demanufacture" King Diamond - "The Spider’s Lullabye" Blind Guardian - "Imaginations From The Other Side" Monster Magnet - "Dopes To Infinity" Gamma Ray - "Land Of The Free" Trouble - "Plastic Green Head" The Gathering - "Mandylion" Seventh Omen - "Majestic" ~ Saxon - "Dogs Of War" Anthrax - "Stomp 442" Moonspell - "Wolfheart" Rammstein - "Herzeleid" Ozzy Osbourne - "Ozzmosis" Flotsam And Jetsam - "Drift" Kreator - "Cause for Conflict" Paradise Lost - "Draconian Times" Symphony X - "The Damnation Game" Dissection - "Storm of the Light’s Bane" ~ Voivod - "Negatron" Capricorn - "Inferno" Van Halen - "Balance" Therion - "Lepaca Klifoth" Savatage - "Dead Winter Dead" Deicide - "Once Upon An Cross" W.A.S.P.- "Still Not Black Enough" Cathedral - "The Carnival Bizarre" Shadow Gallery - "Carved In Stone" At The Gates - "Slaughter Of The Soul" ~ Beste Debütalben: ~ Down - "Nola" Kamelot - "Eternity" Nevermore - "Nevermore" Ayreon - "The Final Experiment" Dark Tranquillity - "The Gallery" Crown Of Thorns - "The Burning" Doctor Butcher - "Doctor Butcher" Grip Inc. - "The Power Of Inner Strength" ~ Relevantes Comebackalbum: ~ Rainbow - "Stranger In Us All" ~ Unter den Erwartungen und Flops: ~ Black Sabbath - "Forbidden" Iron Maiden - "The X-Factor" Sodom - "Masquerade In Blood" Skyclad - "Silent Whales Of Lunar Sea" ~ Sonstiges: ~ Faith No More - "King For A Day, Fool For A Lifetime" Dream Theater - "Change Of Season" Conception - "In Your Multitude" Saga - "Generation 13" Sentenced - "Amok" Toto - "Tambu" _____________ 1994 – TOP 30 ~ Dream Theater - "Awake" Killing Joke - "Pandemonium" Machine Head - "Burn My Eyes" (D) Skyclad - "Prince Of The Povertyline" Amorphis - "Tales From The Thousand Lakes" Queensryche - "Promised Land" Fates Warning - "Inside Out" Savatage - "Handful Of Rain" Tiamat - "Wildhoney" Prong - "Cleansing" ~ Marillion - "Brave" Forbidden - "Distortion" Bolt Thrower - "For Victory" Pantera - "Far Beyond Driven" Kyuss - "Welcome to Sky Valley" Black Sabbath - "Cross Purposis" Helloween - "Master Of The Rings" Vicious Rumors - "Word Of Mouth" Samael - "Ceremony Of the Opposites" Solitude Aeturnus - "Through The Darkest Hour" ~ Yes - "Talk" Overkill - "W.F.O." Testament - "Low" Saviour Machine - "II" Mercyful Fate - "Time" Megadeth - "Youthanasia" Psychotic Waltz - "Mosquito" Slayer - "Divine Intervention" Running Wild - "Black Hand Inn" Memento Mori - "Life, Death And Other Morbid Tales" ~ Beste Debütalben: ~ Wicked Maraya - "Cycles" Stabbing Westward - "Ungod" Vanden Plas - "Colour Temple" Atomic Opera - "For Madmen Only" Nine Inch Nails - "The Downward Spiral" Cradle Of Filth - "The Principle Of Evil Made Flesh" ~ Unter den Erwartungen und Flops: ~ Depressive Age - "Symbol Of Blue Times" ~ Sonstiges: ~ Tesla - "Bust A Nut" Tankard - "Two-faced" Pink Floyd - "The Division Bell" Annihilator - "King Of The Kill" Bruce Dickinson - "Balls To Picasso" _____________ 1993 – Top 30 ~ Savatage - "Edge Of Thorns" Anthrax - "Sound Of White Noise" Phantom Blue - "Built To Perform" Metal Church - "Hanging in The Balance" Death - "Individual Thought Patterns" Type O Negative - "Bloody Kisses" Conception - "Parallel Minds" Hittman - "Viva Machina" Carcass - "Heartwork" Morgoth - "Odium" ~ Wargasm - "Ugly" Talisman - "Genesis" Rush -"Counterparts" Motörhead - "Bastards" Sepultura - "Chaos A.D." Aerosmith - "Get A Grip" Coverdale/Page - "Coverdale/Page" Blue Murder - "Nothin’ But Trouble" Anacrusis - "Screams and Whispers" Annihilator - "Set The World On Fire" ~ Skyclad - "Jonas Ark" Paradise Lost - "Icon" Helloween - "Chameleon" The Almighty - "Powertrip" Scorpions - "Face The Heat" Entombed - "Wolverine Blues" Depressive Age - "Lying In Wait" Lillian Axe - "Psychoschizophrenia" Deep Purple - "The Battle Rages On" Nuclear Assault - "Something Wicked" ~ Relevante Comebackalben: ~ Mercyful Fate - "In The Shadows" Diamond Head - "Death And Progress" ~ Beste Debütalben: ~ Cynic - "Focus" Varga - "Prototype" Angra - "Angels Cry" Fight - "War Of Words" Vince Neil - "Exposed" Jackal - "Vague Visions" Desultory - "Into Eternity" Life Of Agony - "River Runs Red" Winter’s Bane - "Heart Of A Killer" Saviour Machine - "Saviour Machine" Memento Mori - "Rhymes Of Lunacy" Enchant - "A Blueprint Of The World" The Organisation - "The Organisation" Damn The Machine - "Damn The Machine" ~ Unter den Erwartungen und Flops: ~ Risk - "Turpitude" Pestilence - "Spheres" Overkill - "I Hear Black" ~ Sonstiges: ~ Coroner -"Grin" _____________ 1992 – Top 30 ~ Pantera - "Vulgar Display Of Power" Dream Theater - "Images And Words" Megadeth - "Countdown To Extinction" Blind Guardian - "Somewhere Far Beyond" Demolution Hammer - "Epidemic Of Violence" Psychotic Waltz - "Into the Everflow" Lillian Axe - "Poetic Justice" Trouble - "Manic Frustration" W.A.S.P. - "The Crimson Idol" Alice In Chains - "Dirt" ~ Risk - "Reborn" Ministry - "Psalm 69" Candlemass - "Chapter VI" Saigon Kick - "The Lizard" Firehouse - "Hold Your Fire" Danzig - "III: How the Gods Kill" Kyuss - "Blues For The Red Sun" Bolt Thrower - "The IVth Crusade" Skyclad - "Burnt Offering For The Bone Idol" Solitude Aeturnus - "Beyond The Crimson Horizon" ~ Deicide - "Legion" Waltari - "Torcha!" Testament - "The Ritual" Exodus - "Force Of Habit" Faith No More - "Angeldust" Sodom - "Tapping The Vein" Tankard - "Stone Cold Sober" Asphyx - "Last One On Earth" Black Sabbath - "Dehumanizer" Suicidal Tendencies - "The Art Of Rebellion" ~ Beste Debütalben: ~ Mystik - "The Plot Sickens" Hardline - "Double Eclipse" Von Groove - "Von Groove" Elegy - "Labyrinth Of Dreams" Forte - "Stranger Than Fiction" Channel Zero - "Channel Zero" ~ Unter den Erwartungen und Flops: ~ Kreator - "Renewal" Saxon - "Forever Free" Iron Maiden - "Fear Of The Dark" ~ Sonstiges: ~ Kiss - "Revenge" Tiamat - "Clouds" Bodycount - "Bodycount" Def Leppard - "Adrenalize" Damn Yankees - "Don’t Tread" Paradise Lost - "Shades Of God" Yngwie Malmsteen - "Fire And Ice" _____________ 1991 – TOP 30 ~ Savatage - "Streets – A Rock Opera" Overkill - "Horrorscope" Death - "Human" Sepultura - "Arise" Metallica - "Metallica" Entombed - "Clandestine" Fates Warning - "Parallels" Saraya - "When The Blackbird Sings" Iced Earth - "Night Of The Stormrider" Pestilence - "Testimony Of The Ancients" ~ Coroner - "Mental Vortex" Gamma Ray - "Sigh No More" Running Wild - "Blazon Stone" Heathen - "Victims Of Deception" Ozzy Osbourne - "No More Tears" Metal Church - "The Human Factor" Vicious Rumors - "Welome To The Ball" Armored Saint - "Symbol Of Salavation" Evildead - "The Underworld" Reverend - "Play God" ~ Motörhead - "1916" U.D.O. - "Timebomb" Bolt Thrower - "Warmaster" Alice Cooper - "Hey Stoopid" Skid Row - "Slave To The Grind" Kingdom Come - "Hands Of Time" Dark Angel - "Time Does Not Heal" Tribe After Tribe - "Tribe After Tribe" Atheist - "Unquestionable Presence" Crimson Glory - "Strange And Beautiful" ~ Beste Debütalben: ~ Paradise Lost - "Gothic" Mind Funk - "Mind Funk" Last Crack - "Last Crack" Jester’s March - "Beyond" Saigon Kick - "Saigon Kick" Crossroads - "The Wild One" Conception - "The Last Sunset" Dismember - "Like An Everflowing Stream" Skyclad - "Wayward Sons Of Mother Earth" Infectious Groove - "The Plague That Makes Your Booty Move … It’s The Infectious Groove" ~ Unter den Erwartungen: ~ Voivod - "Angel Rat" Helloween - "Pink Bubbles Go Ape" ~ Sonstiges: ~ Nirvana - "Nevermind" Coroner - "Mental Vortex" Hexenhaus - "Awakening" Raven - "Architect Of Fear" Secrecy - "Raging Romance" Europe - "Prisoners In Paradise" Soundgarden - "Bad Motor Finger" Guns n’ Roses - "Use Your Illusion I & II" Heaven’s Gate - "Living In The Hysteria" Van Halen - "For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge" ~ 1990 – TOP 30 ~ Sanctuary - "Into The Mirror Black" Slayer - "Seasons In The Abyss" Pantera - "Cowboys From Hell" Megadeth - "Rust In Peace" King Diamond - "The Eye" Judas Priest - "Painkiller" Queensryche - "Empire" Black Sabbath - "TYR" Death Angel - "Act III" Trouble - "Trouble" ~ Kreator - "Coma Of Souls" Death - "Spiritual Healing" Sodom - "Better Off Dead" Obituary - "Cause Of Death" Despair - "Decay of Humanity" Annihilator - "Never, Neverland" Forbidden - "Twisted Into Form" Vicious Rumors - "Vicious Rumors" Blind Guardian - "Tales from The Twilight World" Suicidal Tendencies - "Lights, Camera, Revolution" ~ Risk - "Dirty Surfaces" Warrant - "Cherry Pie" Extreme - "Pornograffitti" Scorpions - "Crazy World" Artillery - "By Inheritance" AC/DC - "The Razor’s Edge" Testament - "Souls Of Black" Destruction - "Cracked Brain" Anthrax - "Persistance Of Time" Tankard - "The Meaning Of Life" ~ Beste Debütalben: ~ Deicide - "Deicide" Iced Earth - "Iced Earth" Secrecy - "Art In Motion" Slaughter - "Stick It To Ya" Alice In Chains - "Facelift" Entombed - "Left Hand Path" Headhunter - "Parody Of Life" Psychotic Waltz - "A Social Grace" Reverend - "World Won’t Miss You" Exhorder - "Slaughter Of The Vatican" Demolution Hammer - "Tortured Existence" ~ Unter den Erwartungen: ~ Exodus - "Impact Is Imminent" Iron Maiden - "No Prayer For Dying" Flotsam And Jetsam - "When The Storm Comes Down" ~ Sonstiges: ~ Y&T - "Ten" Dio - "Lock Up The Wolves" Riot - "The Privilge Of Power" Sisters Of Mercy - "Vision Thing" Manilla Road - "The Courts Of Chaos" Bruce Dickinson - "Tattoed Milionaire" Top 30 von 1984 - 1989 1989 – TOP 30 ~ Metal Church - "Blessing In Disguise" Sepultura - "Beneath The Remains" W.A.S.P. - "The Headless Children" Overkill - "The Years Of Decay" Savatage - "Gutter Ballet" Lillian Axe - "Love & War" King Diamond - "Conspiracy" Mötley Crüe - "Dr. Feelgood" Black Sabbath - "Headless Cross" Faith No More - "The Real Thing" ~ Paradox - "Heresy" Grinder - "Dead End" Sodom - "Agent Orange" Pariah - "Blaze Of Obscurity" Exodus - "Fabulous Desaster" Kreator - "Extreme Aggression" Candlemass - "Tales Of Creation" Whitesnake - "Slip Of The Tongue" Victory - "Culture Killed The Native" Fates Warning - "Perfect Symmetry" ~ Risk - "Hells Animals" Powermad - "Powermad" Kingdom Come - "In Your Face" Running Wild - "Death Or Glory" Pestilence - "Consuming Impulse" Blind Guardian - "Follow The Blind" Morbid Angel - "Altars Of Madness" Nuclear Assault - "Handle With Care" Testament - "Practise What You Preach" Mekong Delta - "The Principle Of Doubt" ~ Beste Debütalben: ~ Badlands - "Badlands" Atheist - "Piece Of Time" Mordred - "Fool’s Game" Annihilator - "Alice In Hell" Obituary - "Slowly We Rot" Blue Murder - "Blue Murder" Axxis - "Kingdom Of the Night" Dream Theater - "When Day And Night Unite" ~ Unter den Erwartungen: ~ Accept - "Eat The Heat" ~ Sonstiges: ~ Rush - "Presto" Maniac - "Look Out" Aerosmith - "Pump" Vengeance - "Arabia" Sabbat - "Dreamweaver" The Cult - "Sonic Temple" The Cure - "Disintegration" Dark Angel - "Leave Scars" Leatherwolf - "Streetready" Voivod - "Nothingface" Helstar - "Nosferatu" Heir Apparent - "One Small Voice" Cloven Hoof - "A Sultan’s Ransom" Tesla - "The Great Radio Controversy" Watchtower - "Control And Resistance" 1988 – TOP 30 ~ Helloween - "Keeper Of The Seven Keys Part II" Flotsam And Jetsam - "No Place For Disgrace" Iron Maiden - "Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son" Queensryche - "Operation Mindcrime" Metallica - "… And Justice For All" Crimson Glory - "Transcendence" AC/DC - "Blow Up Your Video" Slayer - "South Of Heaven" King Diamond - "Them" Death - "Leprosy" ~ Riot - "Thundersteel" Bon Jovi - "New Jersey" Fates Warning - "No Exit" Running Wild - "Port Royal" Liege Lord - "Master Control" Testament - "The New Order" Cinderella - "Long Cold Winter" Yngwie Malmsteen - "Odyssey" Vicious Rumors - "Digital Dictator" Megadeth - "So Far, So Good … so What?" ~ Nuclear Assault - "Survive" Manowar - "Kings Of Metal" Judas Priest - "Ram It Down" Bathory - "Blood Fire Death" Anthrax - "State Of Euphoria" Helstar - "A Distant Thunder" Magnum - "Wings Of Heaven" Overkill - "Under The Influence" Scorpions - "Savage Amusement" Ozzy Osbourne - "No Rest For The Wicked" ~ Beste Debütalben: ~ Lita Ford - "Lita" Reward - "Breakout" May-Linn - "May-Linn" L.A. Guns - "L.A. Guns" Lillian Axe - "Lillian Axe" Heretic - "Breaking Point" Sieges Even - "Life Cycle" Dare - "Out Of The Silence" Wargasm - "Why Play Around?" Drifter - "Reality Turns To Dust" Grinder - "Dawn For The Living" House Of Lords - "House Of Lords" Kingdome Come - "Kingdome Come" Greifenhagen - "Only For The Night" Blind Guardian - "Battalions Of Fear" ~ Sonstiges: ~ Van Halen - "OU812" Celtic Frost - "Cold Lake" Vendetta - "Braindamage" Survivor - "Too Hot To Sleep" Tankard - "The Morning After" ____________ 1987 – Top 30 ~ King Diamond - "Abigail" Savatage - "Hall Of The Mountainking" Helloween - "Keeper Of The Seven Keys Part I" Exodus - "Pleasures Of The Flesh" Pretty Maids - "Future World" Anthrax - "Among The Living" Def Leppard - "Hysteria" Whitesnake - "1987" Y&T - "Contagious" Dio - "Dream Evil" ~ TNT - "Tell No Tales" Overkill - "Taking Over" Motörhead - "Rock N` Roll" Sepultura - "Schizophrenia" Nasty Savage - "Indulgence" Wild Dogs - "Reign Of Terror" Sodom - "Persecution Mania" Manowar - "Fighting The World" Agent Steele - "Unstoppable Force" Deep Purple - "House Of Blue Light" ~ Treat - "Dreamhunter" Candlemass - "Nightfall" Leatherwolf - "Leatherwolf" Kreator - "Terrible Certainty" Tankard - "Chemical Invasion" Armored Saint - "Raising Fear" Whiplash - "Ticket To Mayhem" Warlock - "Triumph And Agony" Mötley Crüe - "Girls, Girls, Girls" Destruction - "Release from Agony" ~ Beste Debütalben: ~ Toxik - "World Circus" Testament - "The Legacy" Sacred Reich - "Ignorance" Hades - "Resisting Success" Sanctuary - "Refuge Denied" Death - "Scream Bloody Gore" Heathen - "Breaking The Silence" Death Angel - "The Ultra-Violence" Paradox - "Product Of Imagination" Infernal Majesty - "None Shall Defy" Faith No More - "Introduce Yourself" Mortal Sin - "Mayhemic Destruction" Guns N’ Roses - "Appetite For Destruction" ~ Sonstiges: ~ Celtic Frost - "Into the Pandemonium" Running Wild - "Under Jolly Roger" Alice Cooper - "Raise Your Fist And Yell" ____________ 1986 – Top 30 ~ Iron Maiden - "Somewhere In Time" Metallica - "Master Of Puppets" Metal Church - "The Dark" Slayer - "Reign In Blood" Motörhead - "Orgasmatron" Helstar - "Remnants Of War" Dark Angel - "Darkness Descends" Ozzy Osbourne - "The Ultimate Sin" Heir Apparent - "Graceful Inheritance" Fates Warning - "Awaken The Guardian" ~ Van Halen - "5150" Judas Priest - "Turbo" Hexx - "Under The Spell" Accept - "Russian Roulette" King Diamond - "Fatal Portrait" Tesla - "Mechanical Resonance" Bon Jovi - "Slippery When Wet" Europe - "The Final Countdown" Queensryche - "Rage For Order" Megadeth - "Piece Sells ... But Who’s Buying?" ~ Omen - "The Curse" Sword - "Metalized" Racer X - "Street Lethal" Fastway - "Trick Or Treat" Kreator - "Pleasure To Kill" Villain - "Only Time Will Tell" Sodom - "Obsessed by Cruelity" Destruction - "Eternal Devastation" Sacred Blade - "Of The Sun + Moon" W.A.S.P. - "Inside The Electric Circle" ~ Beste Debütalben: ~ Tarot - "Spell Of Iron" Fifth Angel - "Fifth Angel" Tension - "Breaking Point" Tankard - "Zombie Attack" Mekong Delta - "Mekong Delta" Crimson Glory - "Crimson Glory" Angel Dust - "Into The Dark Past" Candlemass - "Epicus Doomicus Metallicus" Flotsam And Jetsam - "Doomsday For The Deceiver" ~ Unter den Erwartungen: ~ Savatage - "Fight For the Rock" ____________ 1985 – Top 30 - Siehe RIOT II ~ 1984 - Top 30 - Siehe RIOT II Trackliste
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