

Ex Deo
Year Of The Four Emperors

Grave Digger
Bone Collector


Ereb Altor

Ereb Altor
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12.12.2008: Arbeiten an neuem Material! (Armored Saint)
Man darf sich nochmal freuen:
Die Bay Area Legende rauft sich nochmal für einen Longplayer acht Jahre nach Revelation zusammen, um den sechsten (regulären) Output ins Trockene zu bringen!

"Due to the nature of vague speculation albeit created by your authors here, Armored Saint are officially announcing that they’ve begun writing new songs for a new record due in 2009.

"The band lineup is as it was on 2000's Revelation and 1992's Symbol of Salvation

John Bush (vocals)
Jeff Duncan (guitar)
Phil Sandoval (guitar)
Joey Vera (bass)
Gonzo (drums)

"The band has written close to 12 songs as of now and are ready to enter the recording studio in the next month or so.

"Some working titles include: 'Loose Cannon', 'Chilled', 'La Raza' and 'Black Feet'.

"The band plans on entering the studio with bassist Joey Vera handling the engineering and producing duties.

"Saint will be headlining one show in Los Angeles at the Key Club on March 6, 2009. Aside from the co-headline tour in Australia in March with Death Angel and the headlining of the Keep it True festival in Germany in April, the band has no further shows booked at this time. There are a few festivals in Europe during summer being looked at for booking but no confirmations as of yet."
Quelle: Armored Saint
Armored Saint im Internet
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05.03.2015: Kommen im Mai mit "Win Hands Down".
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20.01.2010: Stellen ersten "La Raza" Song und Artwork online.
18.12.2009: Die "La Raza" Tracklist ist raus!
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