

Wide Open Sky

Bloodred Hourglass
Backstage, München

The Night Flight Orchestra
Give Us The Moon

Ancient Curse
Dimension 5

Higher Ground
Upcoming Live
7453 Reviews
876 Berichte
8 Konzerte/Festivals
18.10.2009: Neues Album nimmt Formen an! (Armored Saint)
Unse US Metal Helden von Armored Saint beginnen mit den Aufnahmen zu ihrem neuen Studioalbum. Die Scheibe soll im Frühjahr 2010 erscheinen!!
Für Jungspunde rät sich der u.a. Kultclip zu +Can U Deliver" ;-)

Sänger John Bush kommentiert die aktuelle Situaion wie folgt:

"About a year and a half or so ago Joey asked me if I'd be interested in writing some songs. I was in the right mind finally, so I said send me something. To be quite honest, I wasn't thinking in terms of Armored Saint but more like just writing rock music. I felt pretty free with that mentality and the ideas felt very organic. With every passing song things improved and next thing we knew we had about eight songs demoed. Although the idea of sparking something completely new was appealing it became clear that if it was Joey and I the reality was, let's not kid ourselves; this is Armored Saint. So here it comes. Embracing my inner R&B singer and coupling that with our influence of the great seventy's hard rock band's we grew up on."

Auch Bassist Joey Vera hat ein paar Worte zu sagen:

John and I began writing over 14 months ago and in the beginning we had only a general musical direction in which we were going. Once we decided to keep writing and with more of an intention of turning it into an Armored Saint project, we were faced with a few questions. One was, how does this new music we're writing fit into the current musical styles of today? And should we care? We quickly answered the latter. We realized we should do what we always did and that is to write good songs. And for ourselves first. We are not unaware of our parameters in which we have created over the past 25 years, but we are also not afraid to take chances and simply do what we do best. The idea of trying to continue where we left off over 10 years ago since our last release is not very appealing to me. I have to let go of what I did in 1991 and in 2000. Nothing at all against what we've recorded in the past but my head is in a different place now. Trust me; I still want to kill your senses with music, but just in a different way."

Weitere News folgen. Eine neue Demoversion gibt es bereits jetzt aufMyspace.

Armored Saint im Internet
Mehr von Armored Saint
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01.03.2018: Re-release von "Symbol Of Salvation" Meisterstück
18.11.2016: Cooler Liveclip zu "The Aftermath".
10.11.2016: Infos zum Mini-Livealbum "Carpe Noctum".
11.09.2016: Kündigen via pledge Livealbum an
10.11.2015: Rocken das "An Exercise in Debauchery" Video.
09.04.2015: Stellen Videoclip zu coolem Titeltrack vor.
05.03.2015: Kommen im Mai mit "Win Hands Down".
05.02.2015: Anstehende Tourdaten und Festivaltermine
03.12.2012: Covern Metallica und Slayer mit Hegg und Alder.
09.07.2012: Veröffentlichen ihre erste EP mitsamt Bonus Tracks und Etching auf Vinyl
31.07.2010: Neuer Videoclip der Redaktionslieblinge!
24.03.2010: Neues Album läuft gut an
20.01.2010: Stellen ersten "La Raza" Song und Artwork online.
18.12.2009: Die "La Raza" Tracklist ist raus!
17.11.2009: Zwei neue Studiovideos online.
14.08.2009: Aufnahmen starten im Oktober
12.12.2008: Arbeiten an neuem Material!
27.03.2004: multimedial
23.10.2020: Punching The Sky (Review)
14.06.2015: Win Hands Down (Review)
06.03.2010: La Raza (Review)
24.10.2006: Symbol Of Salvation (Classic)
01.02.2002: Nod To The Old School (Review)
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