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27.07.2008: Holländisches Kult-Flagschiff kommt mit Album. (Asphyx)
Die wiedervereinigten Holländer von Asphyx (Martin van Drunen (vocals), Wannes Gubbels (bass/vocals), Paul Baayens (guitar) and Bob Bagchus (drums) ) haben folgendes Statement verööfentlicht:
"Good news. Within a year after the first reunion show at the Party.San festival, Asphyx already has written eight new songs, with maybe one song more to go. The tracks include all typical Asphyx elements. Next week we'll record some kind of instrumental pre-production/demo for ourselves. We expect the unexpected release of a new album in 2009 at Century Media Records! According to drummer and founding member Bob, this new album could be one of the best Asphyx ever has released. So prepare for the new upcoming brutality!!!!" Kurz nach der EP, "Death the Brutal Way" (die via Iron Pegasus Records erschien) (Hörproben hier) , also bereits der nächste Hoffnungsschimmer für die Fans. Wir bleiben dran... Quelle: Blabbermouth Asphyx im Internet
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07.01.2021: Necroceros (Review)30.09.2016: Incoming Death (Review) 16.02.2012: Deathhammer (Review) 17.06.2009: Death...The Brutal Way (Review) Interviews
07.08.2009: Asphyx waren und sind einfach immer 100% Asphyx. |
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