

Down The Heavens

Wide Open Sky

Bloodred Hourglass
Backstage, München

The Night Flight Orchestra
Give Us The Moon

Ancient Curse
Dimension 5
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7454 Reviews
876 Berichte
8 Konzerte/Festivals
30.12.2015: Lars Ulrich, Biff und Ozzy über Tod von Lemmy. (Motörhead)
Lars Ulrich:

"I was down at Lemmy's 70th party on December 13 at the Whisky A Go Go in West Hollywood, and I got a chance to sit with him for about ten minutes, just him and me. I told him that his obligation to the rock and roll community was to live forever because his birthday party was like a hard-rock class reunion," he wrote, in part. "Everybody was there because Lemmy's one of the few people we can all agree on who is just the coolest guy ever. We would all show up. I told him it was his obligation to live forever, because he was the reason we could all get together and celebrate hard rock and celebrate MOTÖRHEAD and see familiar faces because we're all so scattered now. Obviously I could tell that he was in deteriorating health but we had a close bond, one that didn't necessarily need to be reaffirmed or articulated. The less we said the more we knew the connection was there.

Whenever METALLICA played L.A., Lemmy would always come and watch us, and whenever MOTÖRHEAD was up here, we'd always go and see them play. We probably crossed paths 50 to 100 times in the last 20 years, and he came and played with us onstage multiple times. It was a bond that deep and it goes back to the crazy summer of 1981.

I will always appreciate and forever cherish all the great times we had together, but especially those early days. We were so vulnerable, so moldable because a significant part of who we've become, both in the band and as people, is directly due to not just him but all the rest of the people who were inspired and drank from the same bottles and shared the same stories and same space. His spirit will always live in us."

Ozzy Osbourne:

"All I've done since I heard the news of Lemmy's death was reflect on the times we had together. He was a good guy, a very good friend of mine. I'm still in some shock.
I phoned him up two days ago, and I couldn't make out one word he was saying. Yesterday, I got a text from his manager saying, 'Lemmy's on the way out, and he wants to see some of his friends.' So my wife and I were just about leaving the door and the text came saying he'd gone. It shook me up bad. We were like, 'Wow.' He must have been suffering for a while. You know, he's 70. He lived the rock and roll lifestyle to the max, but still it's sad when you lose a friend like that.
He was a character. There ain't many characters in music today. I mean, you've got Miley Cyrus, okay, but there's not many characters in the game anymore. But he was definitely a character. An original. He lived the lifestyle. Sex, drugs and rock and roll, that was Lemmy.

You know what? There goes a hero for me. He was my hero. He was fucking great, a good friend. I'm missing him already. I'll never forget him. I don't think a lot of people will forget Lemmy. He'll be so missed in my camp. He was a good guy, a good man, a good friend of mine. He was just a fucking great dude, man. Not enough time for him."


"I knew Lemmy for 36 years - if you were his friend you were his friend for life.
He has dealt his last card; he was a defiant rebel to the end who loved his music and never compromised.

My heart goes out to his family and friends.

The Motörhead organisation are in mourning for their friend and mentor to the management and their fantastic crew. Let's remember Lemmy as he wanted to be: as an iconic song writer and lyricists and R&R rebel.
I'm sure Phil and Micky are in shock this was their greatest tour, and I watched them play every night & they sounded great sad sad day.

Wherever you are mate give em hell.

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