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16.10.2014: 2015 folgt das neue Album! (Virgin Steele)
SPV / Steamhammer ist stolz ein neues Virgin Steele Studioalbum für Februar / März 2015 zu verkünden. Das ist das erste vollständige Studioalbum mit brandneuem Material seit "The Black Light Bacchanalia", welches 2010 veröffentlicht wurde.
David DeFeis beschreibt das neue Album: " is a very heavy non-concept type album in the vein of something like a Noble Savage or an Age Of Consent, where there is no particular "story" that one has to is instead a straightforward collection of songs that work well together. It is about 80-90% tracked already, and final mixing will begin next month!" Ausserdem ergänzt er: "I know that we announced a box-set was to be issued this autumn, which in addition to two more re-issues, would also have included a new bonus album called "Ghost Harvest", (which by the way is finished and ready to go)....but... the group and I and our label all feel that the time is right now first for some brandnew US metal in the style that VIRGIN STEELE deliver, therefore the new album is now our focus but...fear not...the previously discussed box set will be released later next year, most likely a short time after we issue the brand new release that we are currently completing. And for those who were asking...yes... the new album does have a title and I will reveal it in the weeks ahead....With these new recordings we have gone back to some earlier methods of recording such as using analog tape, and the whole thing sounds and feels very organic. To conclude...the Group and I are really happy with the new material and we are sure that all the Fans who waited so long will be more than pleased.!" Weitere Infos folgen demnächst! SPV / Steamhammer haben in diesem Jahr Virgin Steele´s "The Marriage Of Heaven & Hell I+II" and "Invictus" wiederveröffentlicht . Diese 2 CD Digpaks enthalten spezielles Bonus Material und ein umfangrreiches Booklet mit Liner Notes und unveröffentlichten Photos von David DeFeis. Virgin Steele im Internet
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14.07.2023: The Passion Of Dionysus (Review)15.06.2016: The House Of Atreus Act I & Act II (Review) 11.06.2015: Nocturnes of Hellfire & Damnation (Review) 03.07.2014: Invictus / Re-release (Review) 03.07.2014: The Marriage Of Heaven And Hell / Re-Release (Review) 26.10.2010: The Black Light Bacchanalia (Review) 01.08.2005: Life Among The Ruins (Classic) Interviews
20.02.2009: Ich will weiter lernen, wachsen und inspiriert werden! |
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