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03.02.2008: Sixx talking about new stuff... (Mötley Crüe)
Nikki Sixx hat in seinem online-Tagebuch auf der Mötley page weitere news zu einem neuen Mötley Crüe Album und weiteren Notwenigkeiten von sich gegeben.
Anbei die heiligen Worte des Meisters: 10 songa done for the new Crue album so far, i'mvery proud of the songs, i think were onot some of the better songs we've had in years…time will tell of course...a couple of song titles on the album are called "A Scar On Hollywood Blvd" and "The Saints Of L.A." …as it's been leaked out before it's no surprise...but the album is called "THE DIRT" and lyrically follows the story of the Mötley Crüe bestseller "The Dirt" It's challenging and exciting to have to wrtie the songs into time capsules spreading over years...…i've written a lot of songs with Mick Mars. of course along with James Michael, Marti Frederickson an DJ Ashba...the chemistry in the studio as were writing is unbelievable...i look forward to leaking some to you all in the next few month. I haven't gotten anything tattoed in years except "Tag Here" on my toe...i think it's time to step it up, I'm feeling the itch.kats gonna do one probably this weekend. I've been waiting to get "Los Angeles" tattooed on me for ages and then the other day I noticed Kat has it on her left shoulder, we both have had so much happen in our lives in this city, why not make it permanent. The band startet it here, i've died here, had kids, married and divorced life is is Los Angeles! What a fucking great Year … I CAN FEEL IT IN MY BONES… Quelle: Official Mötley Page Mötley Crüe im Internet
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