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04.10.2004: Dümmer geht's nimmer (Ted Nugent)
Es ist in Amiland nix neues, dass Künstler für Politiker in den Ring steigen. Was allerdings Ted Nugent in seinem eigens für den Wahlkampf und George Bush geschriebenen Song "Stand" zusammenreimt schlägt dem sprichwörtlichen Fass den ebensolchen Boden aus. Auszug gefällig? "Ya say you're friend with Michael Moore, then you're friend with pimps & whores". Ihr wollt euch den ganzen Text antun?
Bitte schön, hier der Blödsinn in voller Länge: Don't need John Kerry to wipe my ass don't need Ted Kennedy to spill my glass Al Not So Sharpton is a horses ass redistribution is a fucking laugh I don't need nobody to hold my hand don't need nobody, i can stand make it on my own in a rock n' roll band kiss my american ass, i'm a republican Ya say you're friend with Michael Moore then you are friend with pimps & whores the 2nd amendment aint about no sport no right to self defense is in a Kerry court You don't think i'm taxed enuff well i'm ready to call your bluff Pimps & whores & welfare brats too much government way to fat. Ohne Kommentar ... Ted Nugent im Internet
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