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28.10.2022: Mick Mars wird live durch John 5 ersetzt (Mötley Crüe)
Es war nur eine Frage der Zeit und nun ist es offiziell. Mick Mars wird afugrund seines Gesundheitszustandes und seiner langjährigen Rückenprobleme, nicht mehr mit der Band auftreten können. Als Ersatzmann wird John 5 mit der Band touren.
Anbei das offizielle Bandstatement:
"While change is never easy, we accept Mick's decision to retire from the band due to the challenges with his health. We have watched Mick manage his Ankylosing Spondylitis for decades and he has always managed it with utmost courage and grace.
To say "enough is enough" is the ultimate act of courage. Mick's sound helped define Mötley Crüe from the minute he plugged in his guitar at our very first rehearsal together. The rest, as they say, is history. We'll continue to honor his musical legacy.
We will carry out Mick's wish and continue to tour the world as planned in 2023. No doubt will it take an absolutely outstanding musician to fill Mick's shoes so we are grateful that our good friend, John 5 has agreed to come on board and join us moving forward. We'll see all you Crüeheads out on the road!
Vince, Tommy & Nikki"
John 5 ergänzt:
"I'm honored to carry on Mick's legacy and am looking forward to playing these songs"
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