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19.11.2019: The Crüe is back! (Mötley Crüe)
"Los Angeles, CA, November 18, 2019: Almost 6 years after signing a Cessation of Touring agreement, the contract is off the table because a whole new generation of Crüeheads are relentlessly demanding for the band to come back together. Following the huge success of their NETFLIX biopic THE DIRT, Mötley Crüe has seen a massive surge in new audience. And the band best known for breaking the rules has destroyed their cessation of touring contract in true Mötley Crüe-fashion, by literally blowing it up." "After 35 years together on stage, and 30 years since the release of Dr. Feelgood, the members of Mötley Crüe parted ways without speaking to each other after their Final Show on December 31, 2015. Vince, Nikki, Mick and Tommy didn’t come together again until 2018 to participate in the making of THE DIRT movie, which unexpectedly brought them closer together again including seeing them head back into the recording studio after having gone in their own directions for several years. The fuse was lit. “Since playing Tommy Lee in The Dirt, so many of my fans have said how they wish they could've seen the real Mötley Crüe play live,” said Colson Baker (aka Machine Gun Kelly) “I never thought I would see the day when this would become a reality. But the fans spoke and Mötley Crüe listened!” THE DIRT currently enjoys an audience score of 95% on Rotten Tomatoes. And its massive global success earlier this year saw Mötley Crüe’s popularity rush to new highs, catapulting the band’s music back to the top of the worldwide charts with the younger 18-44 demographic now representing 64% of the band’s fanbase. Moreover, in the six months following the release of THE DIRT, Mötley Crüe has celebrated a meteoric rise of almost 350% increase in streams of their music across all streaming platforms. However, most of the new fans have never seen any of the legendary live shows that Crüeheads have relished for close to 4 decades. Sign up for text updates (U.S. only) by texting MotleyCrueIsBack to 855 580 CRÜE (2783) or sign up for email updates at to follow further developments and get breaking Mötley Crüe news first." Mötley Crüe im Internet
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