

Crypt Sermon
The Stygian Rose


Hin helga kvöl

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14.08.2014: Nehmen neues Album auf. (Melechesh)
Die Könige des mesopotamischen Black/Thrash, Melechesh , weilen derzeit im griechischen Athen, wo sie ihr 6. Album aufnehmen, das an einem bis dato noch nicht festgelegten Termin weltweit über Nuclear Blast erscheinen wird. Die Band hat einen Monat im Proberaum in Deutschland verbracht und an den Details gefeilt, in den nächsten sechs Wochen wird das neue Album, das momentan unter dem Arbeitstitel "Enki" läuft, aufgenommen.

Bandkopf Ashmedi kommentiert:
"Again we chose to record in a Mediterranean area to capture the MELECHESH essence. We have many good friends here and have toured with some Greek bands over the years and everyone here is being very helpful to this work. In keeping with our tradition all songs are diverse and tell different stories both lyrically and musically, from the black thrash to the ritualistic tribal tunes to the more in your face rocking and neck breaking songs. Last couple of years where extremely challenging for me and this rubbed on the album for the better, abstract moods such as post-enlightenment depth, sonic magick, anger and retribution. Metaphorically speaking, it is a Sumerian sonic deluge to cleanse us from drones, parasites and insects interpret that as you see fit."

Die Band gaben außerdem einige erste Songtitel bekannt:
'Enlil Enraged'
'Metatron and Man'
'Multiple Truths and the Mechanics of Religion'
'Tempest Temper'
'The Palm, The Eye and Lapis Lazuli'

Moloch, langjähriger Freund und Gitarrist, wird sich der Band im Studio anschließen, um einige traditionelle Instrumente und Leads einzuspielen. Moloch hat zudem auch einige Riffs zum neuen Album beigesteuert.

Recording line up:
Ashmedi: Vocals, Guitars, Percussions & traditional instrumentation
Scorpios: Bass Guitars, Backing vocals
Narsam: Drums
Moloch: Traditional instruments, Guitar

Das gleiche Line-Up, mit Ausnahme von Moloch, wird auch das Touring-Line-Up darstellen. Als Session-Gitarrist wird der/die konzeptionelle Nomadic Soul das Live-Ensemble komplettieren.

Alle weiteren Bekanntmachungen bezüglich Bandmitglieder, die der Band hätten angehören sollen, sind wegen Vorfälle, die außerhalb der Kontrolle der Band lagen, hinfällig.

“Scorpios has been in MELECHESH for two and a half years but we never announced him, others were not in the band for a day but were pushing for press announcement for some reason or another, but in reality they were not members, its behind us now. Moloch is and always will be a part of MELECHESH in one way or another. Narsam came in the picture last june and came from Toulouse , France to the rehearsal room in Germany and spent one month rehearsing with us, he finished his sessions last week and he did an great job. As always live we go on with a session Nomadic Soul, whoever is under this veil is one."

As always....Expect nothing but conviction, credibility and quality...
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