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06.04.2003: The Show must go on (Finntroll)
Laut der offiziellen Finntroll Homepage ( wird die geplante Tour trotz des Todes von Gitarrist Teemu "Somnium" Raimoranta stattfinden.
"We feel that dropping everything now, cancelling the tour and all the plans we together agreed for this band, would be an insult on Teemu's memory. Going back on the road was also the particular wish of his family and close ones. We feel that this is the best way to honor our friends' memory, taking the music out to the fans. On the following gigs the second guitar will be played by a long-time friend for all of us, Mikael Karlbom, who has played as a stand in guitarist for us several times in the past." Finntroll im Internet
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