

The End Will Show Us How

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27.07.2008: Joey Tempest mit Whitesnake auf der Bühne. (Europe)
David Coverdale scheint momentan nicht immer ganz in Bestform. Wie uns bereits unser Hollywood Korrspondent Maggo live vom Set berichtete, kam es am 23. Juli in Padova (Italien), im Zuge der Whitesnake, Europe, Tigertailz Show, zu, inoffizieller, jedoch wirksamer, prominenter Schützenhilfe:
Europe Fronter Joey Tempest schloß sich Whitesnake während "Still Of The Night" an und unterstützte Sir Lord Corverdale mit gewohnter Klasse.
Ein ausfürhlicher Konzertbericht folgt in Kürze auf Darkscene!

Das offizielle Europe Statement dazu:
"Whitesnake band and crew were very understanding and professionals. The gig in Padova was a success for us. So many fans had turned up and the audience seemed to have a really great time. After the show, we decided to stay and see Whitesnake play. We talked a lot in the band about how we used to go to their shows and listen to "Slide It In" all the time in our tour bus. We also like their new song "Best Years". We watched the whole show from the side of the stage and we got really into it. Towards the end of their show, David Coverdale and Doug Aldrich (guitarist) asked Joey to join them on stage. So towards the end of "Still of the Night", Joey walked out and finished the song with David Coverdale. A lot of fun."

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Quelle: Blabbermouth
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