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21.10.2022: Holmes und Mackintosh mit Synth-Goth-Projekt (Host)
Nick Holmes und Greg Mackintosh haben mit Host ein neues Projekt am Start, auf dem die beiden Goth-Ikonen wieder ihren Dark-Pop-Synth-Goth-Wurzeln folgen. Das Debütalbum "IX" erscheint am 24. Februar via Nuclear Blast. Die SIngle "Tomorrow's Sky# kann man schon samt Video genießen
"HOST is something that I had in mind for a few years but never had the time to do it justice until now. It’s taking the concept of what we attempted to do on the PARADISE LOST album 'Host' but approaching it in a modern context. It’s part 80s goth, part electro, part rock but none of them specifically. The emphasis is on hooks and atmosphere. It’s quite a challenge to make miserable music catchy and hopefully we’ve achieved that to some degree.+ - Greg Mackintosh Host im Internet
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10.02.2023: IX (Review) |
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