

Illusion Force

Die ANALphabeten
Tradition & Rausch

Between You, God, The Devil and The Dead

The Halo Effect
March Of The Unheard

Brazen Abbot
Bad Religion (Reissue)
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02.11.2015: Kommen mit limitierter "Chant Of Souls" EP. (Triumphant)
Im November ist es soweit. Triumphant reichen der Gemeinde am 27.11.2015 ihre 7" EP "Chant Of Lost Souls" mit fünf neuen Tracks und limitiert auf 500 Stück schwarzem Vinyl. Das schöne Teil wird gleichzeitig den endgültigen Abschied der Band von ihrem Fronter Bekim Leatherdemon bedeuten und erscheint via Cyclone Empire und kann HIER bestellt werden.

Die Band dazu:
"With our upcoming EP "Chant Of Lost Souls" we will end our era with our lead vocalist Bekim Leatherdemon. We want to thank him for everything and the great times we had together, but some personal differences made it impossible for us to work together in the near future. At the moment we are already busy writing new songs and after the Neustadt show won't play any further concerts until next spring so we can focus on the creative part. We also want to hit the studios again in February to record our second album. Persekutor will take over the vocals in the future. Also we feel that we have found our true way regarding our music now and our new concept will unfold itself on the next full length. It will be less Thrash and more towards the missing link between the first and second wave of Black Metal. There will be much more atmosphere and epic moments but still we will be OLD SCHOOL AS FUCK and not loose our furious ferocity. Infernal Hails!"
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Mehr von Triumphant
Illusion Force - HalfanaDie ANALphabeten - Tradition & RauschAvatarium - Between You, God, The Devil and The DeadThe Halo Effect - March Of The UnheardBrazen Abbot - Bad Religion (Reissue)Brazen Abbot - Eye Of The Storm (Reissue)Lionville - SupernaturalTribulation - Sub Rosa in AEternum Starchaser - Into The Great UnknownStorace - Crossfire
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