

Ginger Evil
The Way It Burns

Ex Deo
Year Of The Four Emperors

Grave Digger
Bone Collector


Ereb Altor
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14.08.2015: Lyric video zu "Evil To Cast Out Evil". (Nile)
Nile haben nun ein Lyric-Video zum brandneuen Song "Evil To Cast Out Evil" veröffentlicht. Der Song stammt vom kommenden Album "What Should Not Be Unearthed", welches am 28. August 2015 via Nuclear Blast veröffentlicht wird.

Mastermind Karl Sanders sagt dazu:
"Out of sheer appreciation for our fans , who have unequivocally made known their demands ; the members of Nile have agreed to release a second preview track from our upcoming “What Should Not be Unearthed” album . The song is called “Evil to Cast out Evil” . This lyric video comes without a prefaced disclaimer ,or warning label , as it seems that some listeners / viewers completely ignore them anyway , and are determined. To glean whatever random arbitrary messages from the song they damn well please. Well, OK, we understand- music and music videos are inherently artistic by nature , and are therefore OF COURSE subject to interpretation by the audience. But don’t say WE didn’t warn you. The danger this time is not from Radical Terrorists , Religious Fanatics, left wing apologist sympathizers , self-important Music Critics , or right wing ultra-nationalists deliberately misinterpreting our music - hell bent on imposing Fox News ideology upon unsuspecting music fans. No, the danger this time is to your mortal soul. If upon hearing this song, you insist on repeated listens , or interminably bang your head , or even feel compelled against your will to sing along with this uber catchy Metal Anthem ; then don’t blame us if you wake up the next morning with your head spinning around backwards , hurling green vomit, walking down stairs upside down on all fours like an inverted spider , or speaking to your Mom in a cookie monster voice at the breakfast table , or otherwise channeling the possessed spirit of Linda Blair. You have been sufficiently warned. Have a nice day and See you on Tour!"

Die Tracklist liest sich wie folgt:

01. Call To Destruction
02. Negating The Abominable Coils Of Apep
03. Liber Stellae Rubeae
04. In The Name Of Amun
05. What Should Not Be Unearthed
06. Evil To Cast Out Evil
07. Age Of Famine
08. Ushabti Reanimator
09. Rape Of The Black Earth
10. To Walk Forth From Flames Unscathed
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