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24.07.2015: "Call To Destruction" Lyric-Video. (Nile)
Die Death Metal-Ägyptologen Nile haben nun ein Lyric-Video zum brandneuen Song „Call To Destruction“ veröffentlicht. Der Song stammt vom kommenden Werk "What Should Not Be Unearthed", welches am 28. August 2015 via Nuclear Blast veröffentlicht wird.

Mastermind Karl Sanders sagt dazu:
“Call to Destruction” should leave no doubt as to the explicit and extreme nature of the new Nile Album. These are some of our heaviest yet memorable tracks ever. The violence contained in every aspect of Call to Destruction is echoed , through many varieties and creative permutations of Heaviness and Brutality , throughout the entire “What Should not be Unearthed” disc. The inspiration for the song itself comes from news reports in 2012 – when radical Clerics were calling for the destruction of Egypt’s Pyramids. Most of the lyrics to “Call to Destruction” are actual direct quotes from the words of Abd al-Latif al-Mahmoud – whose eloquence and quote-ability are clearly second-to-none. While this lyric video is filled with many images of Violence and destruction of Historical artifacts culled from common everyday newsreel imagery , its message is to communicate the insanity and futility of war as a tragic result of the clash of ideologies. This video’s sole purpose is to bring attention to the wanton destruction of Artifacts in the middle east. None of the members of Nile in any way endorse any political or religious agenda with this video ; Nile as students of Egyptian History are concerned about the preservation of the cultures of all peoples of our Greater Global Community”.

Die Tracklist liest sich wie folgt:
01. Call To Destruction
02. Negating The Abominable Coils Of Apep
03. Liber Stellae Rubeae
04. In The Name Of Amun
05. What Should Not Be Unearthed
06. Evil To Cast Out Evil
07. Age Of Famine
08. Ushabti Reanimator
09. Rape Of The Black Earth
10. To Walk Forth From Flames Unscathed

Bandkopf Karl Sanders sagt zum neuen Album:

„Das Ziel der neuen Platte war pure, epische Brutalität. Der Fokus liegt dieses Mal auf brutalem Heavy Metal-Riffing und -Songwriting; eine Art Annäherung an »Annihilation Of The Wicked«, aber sehr geradlinig, um eine maximale zerstörerische Wirkung zu erzielen. Wir glauben, dass wir den Metal-Fans damit eine wahrlich niederschmetternde Scheibe abliefern. Obwohl »Unearthed« immer noch voller unbestreitbarem musikalischem Können steckt, das die Leute über die Jahre hinweg erwarten, sind es die Songs an sich, die dem Hörer dieses Mal den Kopf wegblasen werden.“
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