

The End Will Show Us How

Manic Street Preachers
Critical Thinking


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06.12.2014: "War Of Kings" Albuminfos und Artwork. (Europe)
Im März erscheint das zehnte Europe STudioalbum mit dem Titel "War Of Kings".

Joey Tempest: “War Of Kings is the album we always wanted to make, ever since we were kids listening to bands like Zeppelin, Purple and Sabbath.
And after hearing Dave Cobb amazing production for Rival Sons we simply had to work with him. Our adventure is still ON!
Hey! We took the long road! but we wanted to re-establish Europe the proper way. It’s taken 10 years and countless tours since the re-union, but we’re finally getting there! And we’ve done it our way!
Looking forward to ‘tons’ of touring in 2015!
It’s getting harder and harder to be modest and humble about this band! It doesn’t get much better than this!"

"War of Kings" tracklist:

01. War Of Kings
02. Hole In My Pocket
03. The Second Day
04. Praise You
05. Nothin’ To Ya
06. California 405
07. Days Of Rock n Roll
08. Children Of The Mind
09. Rainbow Bridge
10. Angels (With Broken Hearts)
11. Light It Up
12. Bonus: Vasastan (Instrumental) - Digi & Japan releases only

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Tremonti - The End Will Show Us HowManic Street Preachers - Critical Thinking Paragon - MetalationThe Ferrymen - Iron WillDream Theater - ParasomniaZar - From Welcome... To GoodbyeWildness - AvengerDisparaged - Down The HeavensLandfall - Wide Open SkyThe Night Flight Orchestra -  Give Us The Moon
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