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14.07.2012: Details und Band Kommentar zu "Riitiir" (Enslaved)
Die Skandinavier haben den Titel und das Artwork ihres kommenden zwölften Studioalbums enthüllt. Die Platte heißt "Riitiir". Sie wird am 28.09.2012 via Nuclear Blast Records erscheinen veröffentlicht. Das Cover wurde von Truls Espedal - einem langjährigen Freund der Band - gestaltet. entworfen. Bereits zum siebten Mal entwarf Truls ein Artwork für die Band.
Gitarrist, Songwriter und Gründungsmitglied Ivar Bjørnson gab folgendes Statement zur neuen Scheibe ab: "The album is, as mentioned, entitled "Riitiir" - a self-made "Norse-ified" version of the words "Rites"/ "Rituals." RIITIIR = "The Rites of Man," to put it in a formulaic and easy way. There is no story with a timeline; again we've built structures that lay above the independent lyrics that we feel more comfortable with letting the reader explore, interpret, or simply discard themselves. It is entirely up to them. Meanwhile, we are extremely excited to see what visual artist Truls Espedal has come up with this time. The collaboration between him, myself, and Grutle was closer, more understanding and powerful this time than ever before in our more than decade-long cooperation. The album concept and our feelings connected to it hit home instantly with Truls, in the same way that his initial ideas resonated intensely with us from the second he shared them with us. We will, of course, discuss some key concepts and potential interpretations in deeper song-by-song analysis – but let’s cross that rainbow when we get there...." Quelle: Nuclear Blast Enslaved im Internet
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