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16.05.2011: Neues Album von Cronos und Co im Sommer. (Venom)
Noch diesen Sommer, genauer gesagt im August, werden Venom via Universal Music ein neues Album veröffentlichen. Das Werk wird "Fallen Angels" getauft werden und 13 neue Songs bringen.
Cronos: "The new tracks are tremendous. Basically, if you think of the way Antton (Antony Lant, who is drummer analso Cronos' brother)was playing, especially on the last album 'Hell', he is a nu-metal drummer and comes from that kind of background. He's hung 'round VENOM most of his life and it was just good to introduce him to the whole VENOM concept of playing like the way (original VENOM drummer) Abaddon used to play. Basically Abaddon came from a rock background and then basically developed a black metal, speed metal, thrash metal style. The nu-metal drumming is very different and it was a steep learning curve for him. At the end of the day he's got his own style and he wants to be known for what he's done and not be in my shadow, which is totally understandable. Some of the guys we had coming to the rehearsals were not ex-CRADLE OF FILTH but they were still, 'I've been in this band, I've been in that band,' but they were all far too young, you know. We were looking for someone in their thirties upwards who understood rock music." Venom im Internet
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