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11.02.2011: Alle Infos zum neuen Streich der Schweden! (The Poodles)
Am 15. April kommt das heiß ersehnte neue The Poodles Album "Performocracy" via Froniters Reocrds in die Läden. Die Scheibe wurde neuerlich von Mats Valentin produziert, den Mix übernahm Tobias Lindell (Europe, Mustasch). Die erste Single "Cuts like a knife" kann man bereits ab 21. Februar antesten.

Frontpudel Jakob Samuel hat folgende Worte für uns parat:
"I think we have followed through on what we started with the last album, "Clash of the Elements". Besides continuing to work with producer extraordinaire, Mats Valentin, we took a step further with some of the material that was hinted at on "Clash of the Elements". On "Performocracy" there is a more epic and darker character to some of the songs that we wanted to explore in more detail. Having said this, we have definitely stayed with a lot of the signature melodic elements that are trademark of the band."

Bassist Pontus Egberg ergänzt:
"One important aspect of having a few releases in the bag is that you know more what you want as a band”.Someone once said that "if you want to dream big, you have to dream in great detail". To us this means that we take all the knowledge and experience that we have acquired from our previous efforts and use that to plan ahead and make our dreams bigger."

"Performocracy" Tracklist:
1. I Want It All
2. Until Our Kingdom Falls
3. Father To A Son
4. I Believe In You
5. Cuts Like A Knife
6. As Time Is Passing
7. Love Is All
8. Your Time Is Now
9. Action!
10. Bring Back The Night
11. Vampire's Call
12. Into The Quiet Night
13. Don’t Tell Me (Bonus Track).
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