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23.06.2010: Verpflichten Ronny Munroe für Sängerjob. (Lillian Axe)
Nach ihren doch eher gebrechlichen Versuchen an alte Glanztaten anzuschließen, haben unsre Lieblinge von Lillian Axe nun ex-Metal Church Röhre Ronny Munroe für den Mikroposten verpflichtet. Ob das wirkt, wird sich zeigen, Gitarrist Steve Blaze ist mal davon überzeugt:
"We met Ronny in Seattle playing a show together two years ago. My first impression was 'Damn, he's tall!' After watching him perform, I thought to myself how amazing a vocalist and presence he was. I always keep in the back of my mind great talents when I see them, and Ronny was one of those guys. During the three days we spent together in New Orleans rehearsing and getting to know each other, I was amazed how well he fit in as a human being as well as a bandmate. The true talent is only half the game; the person is the other. Ronny has it all. Having Ronny as a writing partner and performing partner is something I am very much looking forward to!" Lillian Axe im Internet
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