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22.06.2010: Livealbum im Herbst erwerbbar (Dragonforce)
Die britischen MelodicHighspeedMetallics von Dragonforce werden 13. September 2010 das Live-Doppel-Album "Twilight Dementia" via Spinefarm Records und Roadrunner Records veröffentlichen.
Tracklist: Disc 1: Heroes of Our Time Operation Ground and Pound Reasons to Live Fury of the Storm Fields of Despair Starfire Soldiers of the Wasteland Disc 2: My Spirit Will Go On Where Dragons Rule The Last Journey Home Valley of the Damned Strike of the Ninja Through the Fire and Flames Die Band äußerte sich dazu wie folgt: "For years, fans have been asking us to record a live album, but honestly, we never really had the time due to our worldwide touring commitments and studio album recording. However, due to the overwhelmingly positive feedback from fans on the ‘Ultra Beatdown World Tour’, we decided to finally put some real thought into it... The idea was to record every single show from the last leg of the tour, so we could pick the best take of each song without needing to do any overdubs in the studio; keeping the whole thing ‘LIVE’ like all the classic live metal albums. These recordings really capture the raw sonic energy of a Dragonforce show in fine detail. It is so real that you can hear the noise of the crowd and experience the show as it was that night – you can even hear the guitar pedals being stepped on!" Quelle: Dragonforce im Internet
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