

The End Will Show Us How

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13.03.2008: Bald ohne Paul Stanley? (Kiss)
Paul Stanley Gitarrist und Langzeitmitglied der Megastars Kiss denkt laut über ein Aufhören nach. Nach Stanley ist die Gruppe mehr als nur eine Rockpartie mit ihren definierten Musikern, Kiss ist eine Philosophie.

Hier einige Original-Statements von Paul Stanley:
"I think Kiss is more about a point of view, about a respect for fans and about a loyalty and a direction much more than it is the people in the band," he explained.

"We don't follow the same rules as other bands. I can't live within the boundaries people set for me. I believe Kiss is founded on something so solid that it will continue to live on, the way a football team continues.

"There have been great players, but there will always be other players."

Regarding his relationship with Kiss bassist/vocalist Gene Simmons, Stanley said, "I think we think of ourselves as brothers. Brothers means you can never get rid of each other, even when you want to. We go about ourselves very differently. What we choose to put at the forefront or publicize is very different.

"Certainly, one of us spends quite a bit of time telling the world that he's the genius behind the band. This didn't happen because of a single person. It is the combustibility and the chemistry of people who don't necessarily view things from the same perspective which makes Kiss.

"We tend to put our egos aside when it comes to making decisions for the band."

Kiss Pressekonferenz in Melbourne, 12. März:
Quelle: Blabbermouth
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