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29.12.2004: Sänger in Thailand vermisst (Nasum)
Mieszko Talarczyk, Sänger der Grindcore-Truppe NASUM, gehört zu einer Gruppe schwedischer Urlauber, die nach der schweren Erdbebenkatastrophe in Asien vermisst wird. Talarczyk verbrachte zur Zeit des Erdbebens zusammen mit seiner Freundin seinen Urlaub in Thailand.
Auf der Bandhomepage gibt es dazu folgendes Statement: "Mieszko and his girlfriend went to Thailand to spend the holidays. They left a few days before Christmas and were scheduled to return right after New Year's Eve. "They were staying in a bungalow at Phi Phi Island and when the big wave came and swept the bungalow away the two were separated. Mieszko's girlfriend is being reported hospitalized 'badly injured' but she has been in contact with among others Mieszko's sister who has been posting an 'I'm looking for...' at the Phuket Disaster Forum. "This is everything we know right now. Since we are all shocked by this surreal situation we strongly advise fans of NASUM to respect the anxiety we and the Talarczyk and Thorén families feel at this time, and NOT post questions by email or in the guestbook at We will post all sorts of news on the website, but again, please respect our wish in this uneasy time. "Sincerely, Anders, Jon and Urban of NASUM." Nasum im Internet
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20.12.2004: Shift (Review) |
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