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14.12.2004: Derzeit auf Sängersuche... (Black Symphony)
Für ein neues, noch namenloses Projekt im Hause BS wird eifrig nach dem richtigen Male Frontale gesucht:
Vocal auditions have now hit over 200 people for a new band which will feature Rick Plester/ Guitars/ vocals/ Producer (Black Symphony), Rev Jones/ Bass /vocals (Black Symphony, MSG, FUEL), Pete Holmes /Drums (Black Symphony, Black n Blue, Ted Nugent, Yngwie Malmsteen, Ian Gillian) Wayne Findlay /Keys/ vocals /Rhythm guitar (MSG, Vinny Moore).
Anyone interested should send a package to:
FTM International C/O Vocalist needed
3053 Rancho Vista Blvd Suite H-137
Palmdale CA. 93551
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