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01.07.2003: Sängerwechsel (Darkseed)
DARKSEED haben sich von Sänger Stefan Hertrich getrennt und ihn durch Christoph Puhr-Westerheide (MISLEAD) ersetzt (siehe Foto).
Stefans Statement: "Many people have demanded a clear statement explaining why I left the band Darkseed, the band I formed 11 years ago. The band originally comes from Munich, but I moved 300 km away because I found a good job in the computer gaming industry. I would still have been able to record more Darkseed CDs, but the rest of the band wanted to play live, a thing I cannot do because it simply requires too much time to rehearse the songs and play concerts. So I proposed that they should look for a new vocalist after "Astral Adventures" is released so that concerts can be played again and Darkseed will get more publicity than they have in recent years. I will concentrate on my solo project Shiva in Exile now (, an experimental mixture between ethnic and gothic music, maybe work on a new Betray my Secrets album with Christian of Megaherz, and also work on computer game music. But the first thing I will do (in fact I have already started to do) is to write a real metal album. It will be the album I would have written for Darkseed after "Astral Adventures". So don´t imagine that I will start a life without music!" Darkseed im Internet
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